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My new toy: Autotek 5600X 5ch

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Picked this thing up from Finebar over at crapaudio.com









And some pr0n for all you pervs




As required by the TOS, my dog. Only took pics of 1 dog because if i take pics of my black dog he just looks like a blob.



The quality of the pictures isnt the greatest because its a 1.3MP camera and it has no flash.

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Im thinking about painting it black to match the sub ( eD 12o)

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very sweet, i am jelous. and i like how there are power/ ground leads conected to it al ready

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The power is connected through a distrobution block.

The ground i had to ghetto it and twist the ground wires together and tape them up. I havent found a good solution for it yet. Ideas are welcome

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You know I like.

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Picked up some paint stripper and removed all the paint from the heat sink.

Now, im wondering if i will need to prime the surface and then paint or just go ahead and paint.

I havent chosen any specfic paint and I wanted to know who you guys think makes the best looking black spray paint.

I dont want to spend an insane amount on a can. Just something that looks cool.

Preferably gloss since I want it to match my eDmo 12o.44

Another thing....

Should I re install the autotek badge or leave it off ?

No way it would stay that ugly purple if i put it back on

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paint the badge chrome and put it back on. :D

i think the gloss black would look nice.

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Just reciently steel wooled it, the thing is blingin.

But There is some parts where the aluminum needs to be sanded down because its not smooth.

I have chrome paint so thats no problem :foshizzle:

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Damn! I'm surprised you were able to get that thing stripped by chemical means. Must have been a simple paint versus the PC.

Polish it up as best as possible and shoot a translucent color on it. It will have the appearance of a colored chrome.

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The texture wasnt smooth so im not shure it was PC or not.

I had some real problem spots with removing it.

I kinda polished it, i didnt like that look.

Bought some Duplicolour Acylic paint for it. Same stuff as the truck/van SUV paint

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looks like a classic

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Ive got some bad news and some even worse news.

To start, i got this nasty naty orange peel in between the heat sink channels.

Then i went to wet sand them out but that didnt work out so well.

Some of the paint started to peel off from the sanding and i ran out of paint.

So as it sits right now, im done sanding and i need more paint.

I also painted the " AUTOTEK" plastic badging, however, the car paint i used didnt stick to the spray paint. SO i sprayed some of my paint stripper on it.

Boy, was that a dumb mistake, it ate away at the plastic !!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I had to cut off all the eaten away plastic and now it looks like crap.

I had no idea it would do that since I used a plastic putty knife to remove the paint from the amp and it had no affect on it.

I highly doubt that there is any of these things just lying around.


What type of clear should I use ?

I will wet sand the paint before i apply it so it goes on a smooth surface and there is no orange peel.

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I effed up the paint.

At this point i dont even care about the stupid sides ( which i wasted a whole dang can on)

because you wont even see the stupid things

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Just put a coat of clear on. Right now im not to concerned about the pits because its just to much work to sand the crevices.

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Far from it.

Its not very easy to sand it, i have to use a putty knife.

The clear coat says to use a medium grit compound.

But i dont have any rubbing compounds at my house. Just car wax

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I looked it up, the manual says 50x4 and 100X1 ( at 4ohms) @ 14.4V

However, it also says that these specfications can be changed without notice.

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