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hyundai sonata box placement

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I know some cars are louder facing back and some facing foward sealed from the trunk. i was wondering if anyone knew what was best for an 04 hyundai sonata?

i was looking at a 15in or an 18in with between 3000-3500 watts depending on which amp i deicide on. looking for loud daily.reason for one sub is cost. thanks alot. :)

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You wont fit a 18" in there unless your using a Treo subs since they require smaller than normal boxes or a sealed enclosure.

Are you running sealed or ported?

The best placement will come down to testing but usually forward firing and the cabin being sealed from the trunk will be the loudest but testing will give you the best answer.

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You wont fit a 18" in there unless your using a Treo subs since they require smaller than normal boxes or a sealed enclosure.

Are you running sealed or ported?

The best placement will come down to testing but usually forward firing and the cabin being sealed from the trunk will be the loudest but testing will give you the best answer.

i measured i have a little over 10 cf. it would take up the whole trunk for an 18. i asked rusty and a level 5 he said would be good at 6. im also looking at a nightshade since it requires a small box. i can do it just ownt have any space left. ported also. i cant test since if i face the 18in vback it would seal all the pressure in the trunk.

Edited by bread0710

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If your going to build a box that will take up the whole trunk area then forward facing would be the route to go, make sure you seal off the cabin from the trunk.

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If your going to build a box that will take up the whole trunk area then forward facing would be the route to go, make sure you seal off the cabin from the trunk.

im going to i just wanted to see if anyone had any expreince with this car. i wanted to do somethign different instead os two 12's. my dimensions are W=36 H=19 D=31. and i sitll have room for the batteries in the back. amps are going on the box. thanks for your help :)

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