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powerbass xa-900d vs memphis mc1000d

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Is it possible that the 900 d can out do the memphis amp? Thinking about going all powerbass. Switched from my f-150 to a xterra. 3db jump to a 144.5. Hoping to get better going with all powerbass.


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that is a tough question, both are capable amplifers,

the XA 3000D would end the discussion

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That would be nice to have a 3000d, but then I would have to have different subs. I don't think that 2 es12d's would handle that. What I'm thinking about is getting 2 more of the es12d's and 2 xa900d's or another mc1000d. Got some tough decisions to make. Another question, if i wire 3 dvc 4 ohm subs together would that give me 1/3ohm and can the mc1000d burp at that.

Thanks Heavyhitter

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No, the Memphis MCD4kw would ;)

no the PG 10kW would :P:P

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the dual XA 900's would be nice, but I am not sure if the Memphis could go that low

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if the current stays above 12 volts, the memphis would...the voltage drops, teh amp goes boom...lol...

i'd wager on that...

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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I'm using an XA-900d on a song;e XS-12 right now and it seems louder than my old Ample 1100dx....The PB puts out some power, wish i had the gear to bench it.....

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