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Key To Hair Trick

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Why is everyone saying so much port area? Good lord.

20 sq in of port per cube is the perfect number from what I have seen and my own experience.

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How would I calculate the port size needed for doing a hair trick with 4 15" L7's? Right now the port looks pretty much like a hole in the side of the box lol.. it's 10 x 10 x .75 (the thickness of the wood) used a port calculator and it said that 10x10x .78 would be around 40 hertz. I wanted to drop it down to around 38 hertz and I kinda though the port was a bit small in size as well. I am pretty new to all of this but I am very interested in getting it all done the right way. Thanks for any help you can give me. Right now the 4 subs are on "4krms" with no knob and half gains. I plan on buying two 3500's in the future (which is why I am here :) ).

Box is around 21 cubes. subs require 4-6 each. Max being 24. 21 was as close as I could get and be able to fit them in my SUV under the top of the back seats..

I would do 20-22 cubes total after all sub, bracing and port displacement and do 400 too 440 sq in of port

I'm thinking I may have to redo my box again.... can you suggest any decent programs to help me figure all of this out?

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I would like to believe the bigger the port the better. That's not really the case though, sooner or later the port velocity is going to go down accordingly with port size and you're not going to get a gain from it. When it comes to moving a lot of air, it seems like cone area or more specifically (total displacement including excursion) would be a deciding factor. If my finances are right, I am fixing to put a 4th order wall in one of my cars. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to move hair with 2 lanzar 15's and around 2000 watts......

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I am going to try the 7ft box tuned at 31 and 144in of port area and see how that works for me. I will post pics and a vid or 2 when its done. Got to start another build for a customer and I will dp mine after. I will post pics of both.

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Get those pics and videos quick!! Not too quick though, make it nice, sure you will though.

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i have only 90 sq inches of port on mine, so i would like to see what the more port does for you :)

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