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Key To Hair Trick

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I plan on running 2 15 Sundown Nightshades on a Sundown 3500 getting ready to build me a new enclosure and was wondering what the key was to be able to pull bad *** hair tricks and if its even possible with 2 15s. The set up will be subs up port back in a 2 door blazer. I heard that port are was the key. Figured I would have 105 in of port area tuned at 36hz. All suggestions are welcome.

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105in^2 total? Your going to want more than that for hair tricks! How many ft^3 are you planning on?

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105in^2 total? Your going to want more than that for hair tricks! How many ft^3 are you planning on?

Around 3.25 per sub they work 3 to 3.5.

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105in^2 total? Your going to want more than that for hair tricks! How many ft^3 are you planning on?

Around 3.25 per sub they work 3 to 3.5.

I'm no SPL or hair trick specialist but I would recommend at least 156in^2 of port area and tuned a bit higher to 38hz. Just my .02!

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You are going to want at least 20 sq in of port per cube if not more but dont go above 28 sq in of port per cube. The key is too get as much are moving in your car as possible. And I would tune it in between 35-40 hertz.

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How about 160in2 at 35 hz in a 7.5 cubic foot enclosure after sub and port displacment port will be 8 tall 20 wide and 32 inches deep.

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holly port, i have 2 15" nightshades on a 3500, and my box is 7 cubes, 90.75 sq inches of port, tuned to 31 and pull mini hair tricks, full window down and can get hair to move to the top of the door, im not saying its bad ass, but it just shows you dont need a massive port to move some hair around. now i never tried running a big port, but im just saying what mine has, and what it does, but i think it has to do with the vehicle also. mines in a s10 ext cab truck so not much space inside the vehicle. but i am interested on seeing how yours turns out! p.s wouldent you want to tune low, as high fq doesn't move air like low fq does?

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holly port, i have 2 15" nightshades on a 3500, and my box is 7 cubes, 90.75 sq inches of port, tuned to 31 and pull mini hair tricks, full window down and can get hair to move to the top of the door, im not saying its bad ass, but it just shows you dont need a massive port to move some hair around. now i never tried running a big port, but im just saying what mine has, and what it does, but i think it has to do with the vehicle also. mines in a s10 ext cab truck so not much space inside the vehicle. but i am interested on seeing how yours turns out! p.s wouldent you want to tune low, as high fq doesn't move air like low fq does?

Thats the lowest I can get it with the amount of space I am using. Well I was talking to jacob he recommended 42 -64 in of port area tuned 30-35 hz for a nightshade so I was just using the specs he gave me.

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yea, depends really on what you want also, i tried a few different tunes with my set up as ppl always said at 32 hz i was tuned to low, so i tuned higher and didnt like it, didnt hit the lows like i wanted it to, so i tuned it to 31 hz and was wayy better for me.

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yep... lower notes ftw...

my 28hz box w/ 120 in^2 port does hair tricks all day in my ram.. 2-15's 6k.... it'll still do tricks on just 1500w...

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i got 2 dc 15's on 2000 my box is tuned to 35 and it will do a little bit of hair tricks.. but i would think it would also have a little bit to do with that kind of car too, not just port size

Edited by Hans

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yea id say tune low, in a 7 cube box, port area not to sure of as im not sure if more or less port area is best.

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I recalculated a little and got it down to 31hz in a 7 cubic foot box. with 144 in of port area.

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I recalculated a little and got it down to 31hz in a 7 cubic foot box. with 144 in of port area.

That should be sick. It will sound pretty badass too, not to mention HTs.

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Low notes will be louder and get a lot of air moving but i think it would be better in a 6cubed box tuned to 35 hertz and 130-140 sq in of port

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Ok Jacob if you happen to be reading the post what would you recommend for port area and air space on the 2 night shade 15's so I can play low and possibly pull some hair tricks ? Running the z3500.

Edited by dbrown23

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I recalculated a little and got it down to 31hz in a 7 cubic foot box. with 144 in of port area.

I have some 15's in a box very similar except more like 8 cube. Very loud and adequate lows. Haven't had full power to them yet but I have high expectations after I rebuild my subs.

You might build it so that you can easily remove the bend in the port to tune up around 40ish if you want to compete. Higher tuning = way better numbers.

That size port displaces 4 cubes LOL.

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Ok Jacob if you happen to be reading the post what would you recommend for port area and air space on the 2 night shade 15's so I can play low and possibly pull some hair tricks ? Running the z3500.

6-8 cubes is all you need for two.

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How would I calculate the port size needed for doing a hair trick with 4 15" L7's? Right now the port looks pretty much like a hole in the side of the box lol.. it's 10 x 10 x .75 (the thickness of the wood) used a port calculator and it said that 10x10x .78 would be around 40 hertz. I wanted to drop it down to around 38 hertz and I kinda though the port was a bit small in size as well. I am pretty new to all of this but I am very interested in getting it all done the right way. Thanks for any help you can give me. Right now the 4 subs are on "4krms" with no knob and half gains. I plan on buying two 3500's in the future (which is why I am here :) ).

Box is around 21 cubes. subs require 4-6 each. Max being 24. 21 was as close as I could get and be able to fit them in my SUV under the top of the back seats..

Edited by macisme

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How would I calculate the port size needed for doing a hair trick with 4 15" L7's? Right now the port looks pretty much like a hole in the side of the box lol.. it's 10 x 10 x .75 (the thickness of the wood) used a port calculator and it said that 10x10x .78 would be around 40 hertz. I wanted to drop it down to around 38 hertz and I kinda though the port was a bit small in size as well. I am pretty new to all of this but I am very interested in getting it all done the right way. Thanks for any help you can give me. Right now the 4 subs are on "4krms" with no knob and half gains. I plan on buying two 3500's in the future (which is why I am here :) ).

Box is around 21 cubes. subs require 4-6 each. Max being 24. 21 was as close as I could get and be able to fit them in my SUV under the top of the back seats..

I would do 20-22 cubes total after all sub, bracing and port displacement and do 400 too 440 sq in of port

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To answer the title:

Sealed box and a lot of cone area.

So you're box is 6.5cu ft NET?

Then around 130-138 sq inches would be perfect.

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