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Amp Rack Idea - Feedback for noob?

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So basically I'm slowly piecing my system together and had an idea for an amp rack that is somewhat "expandable". It consists of a wooden base, with a wooden box attached to the end of it for the amps, batteries, etc to be placed into. I'm planning on having ventilation and having the rear of it open faced. It would have shelving for the amps.I'm thinking I could secure the wooden base to these strap hooks I have in the rear of my truck (2006 tahoe), have them protude through the bottom then either use a heavy duty strap or bolts through them. I'd rather not drill into the body anymore than I have in order to secure it.

One of the reasons I'd like this design is for security purposes, so people can't look through my (tinted) windows and see various amps\equipment.

The basic concept is to have the ability to attach a subwoofer box to the base platform, having a secondary base\mount of sorts that the box can sit in and then screw that in or add latches to the side of the box to secure it further. I don't know how vibration\rattle would affect this, but I suppose if it's secured properly it'd be ok?

I've never really worked with wood before but I figure I can get home depot to cut the pieces to size and then wood glue + screw it together it'd work out? The back area is pretty much square, no need to worry about tirewell corners, etc.

Would MDF suffice for this?

Attached is a ghetto mspaint of what I'm thinking. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Edited by Mr. Bojangles

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