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Looking for a builder for enclosure

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I am in the process of upgrading my sub to one 10" Fi Bl are looking to have an enclosure built. Does anyone out there know of a good place to go in the Los Angeles, Orange County area to have a quality box built to mfg specs?

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i am sure who ever some knows will charge an arm and a lag for labour.. why not do it yourself? mdf is cheap stuff to buy and a little combersome to work with but all that aside they aren't to hard to build.

all you need:

bunch of screws(1.5long)

screw driver

3/4 mdf


and some free time plus a why to cut the wood. if you go to home depot with dimension they will do all the cuts for you and they are normally with in less then .125 to the size you called out although last time i was there he was off by like 1inch so lol i guess he read the number wrong.!!

other then that boxs are fun to build.

would you need help with a bulid sheet? what kind a box are you looking for? i know for my first box this site was my friend

RE Enclosure Calculator

please note the RED letters as you can input your own numbers in those spots!

if you need more help drop me a p/m

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I could build you one and bring it down to LA. I might be coming down that way in the next couple of weeks.


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I dont want to build it because i might screw it up. I have a little knowledge of a lot of things and enclosure building is not one of them. I would like to get a ported box about 1.3 cu.ft. tuned to 34Hz. Also about 22" wide 12" tall and what ever the rest need to be to get the cu.ft. im looking for. Its going into a 99 Lexus Rx and im trying to save as much trunk space as possible. I will be replacing my 10" RF P3 shallow with a 10" Fi Bl with some upgrades. Will be running a T1500-1bdCP. I have already done a big 3 with 0 gauge (with knukonceptz so its almost 2/0 gauge) planning for my upgrade.

To Argentaudio what would i be looking at price wise?

And does anybody have a great calculator to use to help me feel confident enough to try it myself?

Thank you guys for your input and keep it coming?

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