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Custom Ported Box for SSA XCON D2

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Is there a specific length or width of the port inside the box for the max quality of the speaker paired with with Sundown 1500D.

Any advice would be great, building it for a 2010 Camaro. Cant wait to post pics.

Edited by RBCaudio

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Come again?

Port width and length is very important. Take you time and post what you want to know.

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Come again?

Port width and length is very important. Take you time and post what you want to know.

I am building a box down in the battery compartment of my new 2010 Camaro, going to move the battery just up in the trunk. I want the sub and amp mount relatively flush with the original trunk bottom height, but will be slightly high bc of the 4 cu ft air space requirement. There is plenty of room, with the battery relocated to have a box with bottom base 22''x15''.... then 4" up extend it to 30"x15"x10.8"...........With these dimensions I am off the required 4 cu ft of air space by only a half inch. I looked at the specs for the sub, and it mentioned nothing on the port....

So back to my question, how wide/tall and long should the port run through the box????

Here is some photos of my trunk so you can get an idea of what i am working with



Thanks for your help

Edited by RBCaudio

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what size xcon and how many?

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4 cubes for a 12? That's what a ported 15 calls for.


Sealed: .9-1.25ft^3

Sealed: 1.35-1.5ft^3 opt

Ported: 1.75-2.25ft^3@26-33hz

Ported: 2.5-2.75ft^3 @ 26-33hz opt.

Do you know how to angle a box to go from 22" to 30"? You said 4" up, not 8". 30 * 15 * 10.8 with .75" MDF is 2.071 cf3, barely enough if you want a good setup but the recommended minimum is 1.75 cf3. If you want 2 cubes of space you'd have to use an aeroport sticking outside the box and invert the sub. If your seat folds down in the middle, upfire the sub with the port sticking out of the seat and make a wall to cover the empty space around the end of the port for when the seat is folded down. If not, point it to the side & upfire.

Personally I would do this - face the sub & port foreward and wall it off from the rest of the trunk using particle board covered with black leather so when you open the trunk you can't see the box and hide the amp & battery in the trunk walls. The box would need to be around 28w * 16t * 14d for 2.5 cf3 using 1" MDF, that's not including port space, which can be from 12-16 square inches of port area (L*W) per cubic foot, and the length will (mostly) determine the tune. Use a box calculator: http://www.reaudio.com/speaker_box/LPort_Box_Calc.html

If you can fold the seats down it would be louder and you still get your trunk space, plus it looks sweet. Measure it.


Edited by RE XXXv3

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