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Building 2x T3 TSS 15s

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I occasionally build custom drivers on non-Sundown platforms by request -- few pictures to share :)

These use the Z v.2 light weight 15" cone, Z v.2 production voice coils, Z v.2 production "2 spider" pack, an additional re-enforcement ring at the triple joint, stock T3 TSS frame and motor.

With this cone the factory trim ring can also be used unlike the last TSS I built with the wide roll surround.


* Top triple joint


* Factory trim ring in place


* Triple joint ring between cone and spiders. This cone is a bit shallower so there is room between the cone and spider.


* The second one being built... this is my spider press rig to make sure the spiders stick well to one another and to the landing. Maybe a little overkill... but I hate to see spiders come off or apart.


I'll get a few more pictures before the second one is done too... will also get some specs as the customer requested them.

I can actually build a couple more of these too... have a few more TSS 15" frames.

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The frame has a non-standard landing so it was adapted with a steel ring:





* Center support ring going into place. This locks into place around the extended neck joint on the Z v.2 spiders and is also glued into place at bottom and through it's entire height.


* There is a little trough here for glue in the ring... the cone sets down into this area as well and bonds nicely.


* Special rubberized surround glue.


* Glue trough filled in on the ring - ready for cone to go on.


* Spider press doubles as a cone press on the inside of this rig (minus the motor) to make sure the cone stays pressed into the glue trough in the ring while curing. Also used another TSS 15" to press down the trim ring to make sure the surround glue dries nicely.

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i like it!! great work keep it up!!

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I like that TSS's frame :P

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