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12" BTL how loose should the suspension get?

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The title says it all. basically im wondering how loose the suspension should get because im pushing this thing pretty damn hard. and im just not sure if its normal to loosen up this quickly. i just put my saz-3000 in the other day and before that it was on my rockford t1500. lets just say the saz is giving it a work out. the first day i put it in and got it o scoped so no clipping occurs, the dust cap was getting fairly warm (almost hot), but now about 2 days after putting the saz-3000 in i can play 35 hz tones at 0 db for a good period of time (burping for 10 seconds then turning down, then repeat the process for about 5 minutes) and the cone barely gets warm.... im just wondering if im hitting mechanical limits and not thermal limits. i know its box to box differences.

SO how loose should the suspension get?

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It will loosen up..but if you are yanking it below tuning (those dials on the subsonic filters are never right) then it's going to loosen up more then normal..

3kw is a lot of power regardless :)

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it prob isnt gettin warm because you are playing a tone around tuning which has higher impedance rise = less real power.

To make a point... put a 60hz tone on it and do the same thing, i bet it got hot quick, but dont do it too.

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It will loosen up..but if you are yanking it below tuning (those dials on the subsonic filters are never right) then it's going to loosen up more then normal..

3kw is a lot of power regardless :)

not yanking it below tuning, on tones i got the sub to its max on excursion wise... so im not sure if thats a bad thing for a burp? i have the subsonic set with my oscope to 32 hz, box tuning is 34 hz. any tips on getting the excursion level down while still maintaining the same decibel number?

also im competing in a division that clamps the amp, so playing the note closest to the box tuning will show less power actually being thrown at the sub?

Thanks guys

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It will loosen up..but if you are yanking it below tuning (those dials on the subsonic filters are never right) then it's going to loosen up more then normal..

3kw is a lot of power regardless :)

not yanking it below tuning, on tones i got the sub to its max on excursion wise... so im not sure if thats a bad thing for a burp? i have the subsonic set with my oscope to 32 hz, box tuning is 34 hz. any tips on getting the excursion level down while still maintaining the same decibel number?

also im competing in a division that clamps the amp, so playing the note closest to the box tuning will show less power actually being thrown at the sub?

Thanks guys

Then that isn't where your box is tuned to...

At tuning frequency that should be where your excursion is the absolute least and your impedance is highest.

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It will loosen up..but if you are yanking it below tuning (those dials on the subsonic filters are never right) then it's going to loosen up more then normal..

3kw is a lot of power regardless :)

not yanking it below tuning, on tones i got the sub to its max on excursion wise... so im not sure if thats a bad thing for a burp? i have the subsonic set with my oscope to 32 hz, box tuning is 34 hz. any tips on getting the excursion level down while still maintaining the same decibel number?

also im competing in a division that clamps the amp, so playing the note closest to the box tuning will show less power actually being thrown at the sub?

Thanks guys

Then that isn't where your box is tuned to...

At tuning frequency that should be where your excursion is the absolute least and your impedance is highest.

it is the absolute least and it where my score is the highest as well:


im pretty sure its tuned to 34 hz...

and i think its getting used to the power and stuff now, causer the cone gets very little warm compared to the first day i put the 3000 in. id like to think that because the sub was on only 1000wrms for about a month it got used ot it and then when it hrew some power at it it was like: "holy shit what is this!!!" then its like "oh thats not so bad..." lol. but you guys make great subs thats for sure, just dont want to blow it..

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ok next question... how much excursion is too much excursion on a burp?

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It will loosen up..but if you are yanking it below tuning (those dials on the subsonic filters are never right) then it's going to loosen up more then normal..

3kw is a lot of power regardless :)

not yanking it below tuning, on tones i got the sub to its max on excursion wise... so im not sure if thats a bad thing for a burp? i have the subsonic set with my oscope to 32 hz, box tuning is 34 hz. any tips on getting the excursion level down while still maintaining the same decibel number?

also im competing in a division that clamps the amp, so playing the note closest to the box tuning will show less power actually being thrown at the sub?

Thanks guys

Then that isn't where your box is tuned to...

At tuning frequency that should be where your excursion is the absolute least and your impedance is highest.

it is the absolute least and it where my score is the highest as well:

im pretty sure its tuned to 34 hz...

and i think its getting used to the power and stuff now, causer the cone gets very little warm compared to the first day i put the 3000 in. id like to think that because the sub was on only 1000wrms for about a month it got used ot it and then when it hrew some power at it it was like: "holy shit what is this!!!" then its like "oh thats not so bad..." lol. but you guys make great subs thats for sure, just dont want to blow it..

Warm isn't an issue..if you smell coil then that's an issue. The dustcap is going to feel warm because that is right above where the coil is and what is actually pumping the air forcing it down around and out of the holes in the baskets...

You never 'peak' at your tuning frequency...you 'peak' generally higher then what you are tuned to (for the most part, i have had scenarios where random things would happen and it would not be true) generally you peak 3-8Hz above the actual tuning frequency of the enclosure, unless you have something weird going on with the car that it only likes 'this' note regardless of what you put in it and how you tune it...

I also said absolute highest impedance :)..it's where power is least, cone movement is least and more heat builds up in the coil because it is not moving resulting in the impedance being the highest point...lowest is going to be where it moves the most, the coil cools the most and is the closest to the DCR (generally)...and it will be on the bottom side of the tuning point as well (sloping on the left side of the curve vs. tuning frequency)

You have to map all of this out with voltage / current meters and plot a curve in excel..then you figure out impedance vs. frequency and there ya go..

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A video of excursion would be preeeeety legit.

Ill get that tonight. but its ALOT, lol if oyu look at my avatar pic its about 1.5 times that.

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