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1 15 or 2 15 ; 8 cft

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i have ~ 8 cft of space and 2 kw rms of power.

my goal is low and loud bass response.

for sub id like to run either 1 15 or 2 15s. now winisd shows me that 1 15 l7 (example) in 6 cft space is exactly as loud as 2 15 l7 in the same box.

does this represent the truth? hard to believe 1 15 is as loud as 2 of them. i thought 2 15s would push way more air.

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i have ~ 8 cft of space and 2 kw rms of power.

my goal is low and loud bass response.

for sub id like to run either 1 15 or 2 15s. now winisd shows me that 1 15 l7 (example) in 6 cft space is exactly as loud as 2 15 l7 in the same box.

does this represent the truth? hard to believe 1 15 is as loud as 2 of them. i thought 2 15s would push way more air.

Is 8ft^3 before sub, port and bracing displacement?

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8 cft gross, without any displacements.

is winisd right that 1 sub in the max recommended enclosure is as loud as 2 subs in the min recommended enclosure?

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8 cft gross, without any displacements.

is winisd right that 1 sub in the max recommended enclosure is as loud as 2 subs in the min recommended enclosure?

Normally a subwoofer in it's max enclosure size will be more efficient and will need less power vs 2 subwoofers in a minimum enclosure will require more power and the ability to handle more power. As far as 1 being as loud as 2 is going to be install dependent, vehicle, electrical etc.

Basically 1 subwoofer will not be as loud as 2!

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8 cu ft gross ? With bracings, sub displacement, PORT, double baffle, I don't think you will have enough room for two 15".

Maybe enough for one 18".

Don't try to put 2 subs in a tiny box.

With 2000 watts and a big box, a Btl 15" should be loud and low !!

If I had this room and this power, I would take an 18" Xcon. But I am biaised. I love mine!!! :) :)

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i have ~ 8 cft of space and 2 kw rms of power.

my goal is low and loud bass response.

for sub id like to run either 1 15 or 2 15s. now winisd shows me that 1 15 l7 (example) in 6 cft space is exactly as loud as 2 15 l7 in the same box.

does this represent the truth? hard to believe 1 15 is as loud as 2 of them. i thought 2 15s would push way more air.

a computer program just tells you numbers, not what will happen in the real world. your car will be different than your friends car, which with both be different than the computer program. dont rely specifically on winisd for your install, everything will be different when you install it all.

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2 15s sealed would fit in 8 cft gross(?)

Take the total speaker displacement and subtract that from your 8ft^3 and it should be ok.

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