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Smell and strange dust

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Just wanted to say hey guys, long time to talk to. Been super busy and that first vid I posted was a pos, second coming soon!

Ok now on topic -- When I first got my system running I noticed there was a smell to it. Not a bad smell but just something strange; best I can describe it is the smell of a fresh built, just turned on computer. The reason why I relate it to this is because I just re-built my computer today and notiecd this is how it smells. I have never smelled burning nor have I ever heard the woofer "bottom out". The excursion looks alright to my knowledge for the lowest song I have put at it. I do like to ride around though with the volume up pretty high, sometimes the highest I ever want to go for a song or two. Now I have felt the magnet (by touching the dust cap) right after playing the woofer at max volume for me, its warm but in my opinion nothing too bad. I mean my cell phone sitting in my pocket for an hour or two gets hotter.

Anyway this smell -- is there something to be worried about? I have checked all the connections and I would say those are the hottest parts of the entire systen. Nothing has melted and the amps are still cool to the touch. This smell has always been around sense I have put this system in. It usually comes after a few songs (depending on volume and where I got my knobs at) but never gets worse. My guess is its just the amps (starting) to warm up. (maybe I havent pushed my system hard enough if the amps are not even warm yet).

With this dust as well. I noticed that the curled ends (at the very edge of the speaker) are getting this strange white dust on it. Its not hitting the back of the seat or anything so I have no idea about this. I just kind of ignored it because the speaker inspected by eye looks likes its still bran new. Other than posting here, I have not seen or heard of anybody reporting this. Really thinking about it now I think it may be something to do with the temp sound deadoning i tossed in there.

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It's totaly normal. And for the dust, probably just the sub stirring up residual dust

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