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I have no idea what is going on...

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So..... I recently Installed a new headunit into my car and I had a Sundown SAE-1200D hooked up to it. The headunit was an Alpine iDA-X200 and it worked fine for a couple hours. Then this weird popping noise kept happening..... After a couple more hours this noise was so bad that the amp kept going into protection. No matter what head-unit or amp I use the same thing happens and I have no idea what the FUCK is going on!!!!! Also, the headunit works fine with out the RCA cables and can play other peoples systems through the RCA cable when wired into my car and the amp can also play when hooked up directly to an I-POD. PLEASE HELP!

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good job on trying to narrow the problem down, but due me a favor and check your grounds

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good job on trying to narrow the problem down, but due me a favor and check your grounds

When you say check your grounds what should I look for? Im not a complete noob but I thought if the amp could play music just fine with the I-pod then the ground is not the issue. I thought it might have something to do with it though. If it helps any I have a second battery in the back.

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yea i'd say rca's is most likely the problem......but make sure ur grounds r tight before you replace the rca's

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