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in search of a low end monster

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Have you thought about running a single 18"? A single ported xcon 18 would be just a little more than the pair of L7's and cheaper than the pair of GTI's. And with 10 cubic feet available you have enough room for a proper box.

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2 15's in 5 cubes each @ 30hz on 2k. Try an SSA Icon.

That would sound great, but if an xcon costs him 600 an icon is gonna be around 500. that's a 1000 for the pair. It sounds like the OP wants to spend around 500 for the pair.

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honestly i could spend 1000€ but then i would be bankrupt (as student) which is not what i want at all :ehh:

500 for a pair would be very nice IF the subs dig decently low and loud.

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you want it to hit hard at the low end ? , ......SSA!!!! , ICON or XCON , would be perfect , a pair of XCON 15's would be stupid loud , but with only 2000W , it might not be enough to power them well , i would say a pair of ICON's , that would be very good , you won't be unhappy , i promise

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Yeah do a single 18, they get low so easy. I'm on the hunt for a pair right now, how much are Fi Qs or Bls shipped there?

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carpower, crunch, ampire, rainbow, renegade are some of the "lower" brands here. in germany there are alot of hifonics bandpass boxes (prefab) that are known to be very loud but actually they have very little sq.

the rep of the hifoncis bp here in germany are comparable to the hype of the l7s in usa.

hertz, soundstream, DD and RF are also here, but its expensive stuff too.

HOLY, rainbow isn't a cheap (nor is bad quality.) brand. :peepwall:

But i would also consider BladeICE to buy a Fi sub, like the BL.

Not a IB3 like a guy suggested. :noob::P

IB3 is for infinite baffle aplications only, no box at all.

EDIT:NCSU ECE, 10's get low as easy as a 18 inch sub, no difference in sizes,except output.

Edited by kirill007

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I would say look at BladeICE and from there, the BL and Q. Personally I think you would be extremely satisfied with 2 15 BLs or 1 18 BL but that is only about 1000RMS if you run 1 18. Idk if you could wire it to 1000RMS or downsize amps (this is all assuming you have the amp already bc if not, then just buy a smaller amp).

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carpower, crunch, ampire, rainbow, renegade are some of the "lower" brands here. in germany there are alot of hifonics bandpass boxes (prefab) that are known to be very loud but actually they have very little sq.

the rep of the hifoncis bp here in germany are comparable to the hype of the l7s in usa.

hertz, soundstream, DD and RF are also here, but its expensive stuff too.

HOLY, rainbow isn't a cheap (nor is bad quality.) brand. :peepwall:

But i would also consider BladeICE to buy a Fi sub, like the BL.

Not a IB3 like a guy suggested. :noob::P

IB3 is for infinite baffle aplications only, no box at all.

EDIT:NCSU ECE, 10's get low as easy as a 18 inch sub, no difference in sizes,except output.

I'm well aware of that... But he wanted output and the last time I checked, it takes 4 times the amount of drivers (sd) or power to have the same SPL at half an octave, considering he wants output down low, a 10 won't cut it. I never said one "plays" lower. An 18 is cheaper than 2 15s and he has a budget, so if you are suggesting 4 10s, that does not fit his goal of less than 500 for drivers.

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if you run KICKERS on this forum, consider your ass banned, only kickers allowed here are the soloxs. even then, thats cutting it.

ignorant, narrowminded, intolerant?

That sums him up pretty well.

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you want it to hit hard at the low end ? , ......SSA!!!! , ICON or XCON , would be perfect , a pair of XCON 15's would be stupid loud , but with only 2000W , it might not be enough to power them well , i would say a pair of ICON's , that would be very good , you won't be unhappy , i promise

2000 watts is plenty of power for a pair of Xcon's.

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I even think 1 XCON will handle or just the gains lower

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I even think 1 XCON will handle or just the gains lower

Gains don't control the amount of wattage. Its used to set when the desired output of the amplifier is used, guess it's dependent on what volume level and what preout V you have, they are limited factors. I know I didn't word that well at all... Sorry, someone try and clear that up, just nit picking though :peepwall: . But yeah, 2000 would be fine all in all...

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if you run KICKERS on this forum, consider your ass banned, only kickers allowed here are the soloxs. even then, thats cutting it.

ignorant, narrowminded, intolerant?

That sums him up pretty well.

haha you guys gotta be fukken kidding me right??? you guys must be dumbasses to take that seriously.

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if you run KICKERS on this forum, consider your ass banned, only kickers allowed here are the soloxs. even then, thats cutting it.

ignorant, narrowminded, intolerant?

That sums him up pretty well.

haha you guys gotta be fukken kidding me right??? you guys must be dumbasses to take that seriously.

Next time add an emoticon to show you are joking. :)

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if you run KICKERS on this forum, consider your ass banned, only kickers allowed here are the soloxs. even then, thats cutting it.

ignorant, narrowminded, intolerant?

That sums him up pretty well.

haha you guys gotta be fukken kidding me right??? you guys must be dumbasses to take that seriously.

Next time add an emoticon to show you are joking. smile.gif

Not sure this guy is kidding! All his posts are similar. shrug.gif

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Newtons 4th law- Kicker sucks. I mean the proof is in the pudding. Of course this pudding is a mixture of sarcasm and just kidding puddings. Clarification, I was joking :) now that's the way it should be done!

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To the OP : how can an Xcon cost € 600 ?

I thought you lived in Germany, not on the moon ! Shipping costs can't be that high. Did you add customs taxes ?

My Xcon went from SSA to France and then went back to me in the Caribbeans : yours won't travel so long !

I didn't pay 600 €.

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i contacted the european dealer and the xcon costs 600€ to my door.

taxes in germany are very high ~30% of the original value and the dealer wants to live too... + shipping

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i contacted the european dealer and the xcon costs 600€ to my door.

taxes in germany are very high ~30% of the original value and the dealer wants to live too... + shipping

Contact the ssa shop, you never know!

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i did contact the ssa shop first, but then i was addressed to the european dealer.

they didnt say anything about price though.

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i did contact the ssa shop first, but then i was addressed to the european dealer.

they didnt say anything about price though.

We don't cut out our dealers. Our dealer info is listed here: http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/product-information/dealers.html. But again, this topic was initially about SoundSplinter, so I vote RL-p in a proper ported box if you want to go SoundSplinter. :)

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finally i decided to run 2 15 l7s sealed.

i recently hooked up just one 15 l7 in 5 cft sealed. and its absolutely what i searched for!

the low lows are so awesome its incredible! my steering wheel and my entire front seats are flexing. even my rear tires are wobbling playing bass i love you.

its not as loud as ported l7s i heard overall but ive never heard anything louder on the low end than my single 15 l7. im waiting to get the second one in :)

im pretty sure i will stick with kicker from now on. god im so happy.

both 15 l7 will run in a 12 cft sealed box. hmm im so excited :) :)

Edited by elastic

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Your rear tires shouldn't be wobbling, that could cause an accident lol. If you like L7 15's sealed, cool, but there are other subs that would put them to shame in the 20-30hz range, especially in sealed boxes. Aren't they NOT recommended for sealed? I'd like a vid of something that gets really low.

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