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gains not set right?help plz?

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heey guys i have a Fibl 18un wiht cooling dual 10hm to a jbl gto1200 amp going at 1200watts rms. so orginally i set the gain by ear and had it at little less then 3/4s of the way. Then i set it using the voltmeter and play a 50hz tone with my radio volume 3/4 and i set it to 47 My math for it was 1200X2 then take square root u'd get around 49. but when i did that and played bass i love you at about little less then 3/4 it was barely flexing before it was just dancing adn it not as loud and it sounded like there was more stress on the sub. Got any advice?

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set it by your ear...just watch for signs of stress

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is this is a bnib sub? if so you NEED to let the sub break in first!

also you put your dmm in VAC not VDC right!! (volts A/C)

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is this is a bnib sub? if so you NEED to let the sub break in first!

also you put your dmm in VAC not VDC right!! (volts A/C)

ive played it a few times not super loud but its had enough time and it was on AC

Edited by lmxd5120

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had enough time... how do you know this? what makes you think this this?

i am not trying to under mind you jsut see why you think it is broken in already?

some ppl say 2month some say 30hours some sya break in time is myth!

i say 3months DEPENDING on your listening habbits!

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ya i did that once lol opps! lol

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no i set it on red to positive black to negative on AC think i should just set it by ear? and whats best song or tone to play then should it be the 50hx tone again and i just wat till i hear stress?

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also keep in mind do you normalize your music?

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also keep in mind do you normalize your music?

im sry newb here what do you mean by normalize do you mean howdo i set the EQ in my radio?

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some music has differnt volume levels so if you normalize all your music it all plays at the same level.

so lets say you set your gains with a 50hz 0db tone then you play a song which is +3db it iwll sound louder on yoru setup then next song is a -3db song sounds quiter..

alos sorry what type of mucic are you listening to?

as for eq settings i just leave mine on flat and that wokrs pretty good for me!

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but in the long run jsut set the gain via ear then use a the remote gain knob and turn it down as needed as it gets stressed (the sub that is) and if you don't have a GAIN knob (not a bas boost) just use the volume knob and turn it down when it stresses out or bottoms out!

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but in the long run jsut set the gain via ear then use a the remote gain knob and turn it down as needed as it gets stressed (the sub that is) and if you don't have a GAIN knob (not a bas boost) just use the volume knob and turn it down when it stresses out or bottoms out!

alright thx im mostly going to listen to rap music, thx for the info on bout normalize the song and i will justset the gain about 3/4 and just listen and turn if needed thx for info!

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np! anytime! as for normalizing i found a link back in the day about normalizing via google i think the 3rd link was the charm! it gives you ALL the programs and step by step guide!

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What is your box tuned to? Maybe the bass notes in bass I love you are below your tuning frequency and the sub was unloading, hence the "dancing all over" and sounding more stressed. Is there a subsonic filter on that amp?

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