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Blown Midbass...WHY?

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Hey guys I have a buddy who blow his midbass and he says his other midbass isalso starting to go. He told me a bunch of stuff and i will post it all here! basically i am baffled about it and though maybe someone can see somethign wrong with his setup!

thanks for your time everyone and any and ALL help! here goes what he told me! let me know if you need any mroe info!

" My head unit is the stock unit that comes with my 2009 Mazda 3, so I have this signal feeding into an MTX ReQ, which then splits the signal to sub and full range RCA's. The full range RCA's then feed into an Audio Control EQL ( http://www1.dealtime.com/xPO-Audiocontrol-EQL )

This ensures the signal that goes to the kicker SX 750.4 is clean and I can turn down the low end response as well as isolate frequencies. "

more info

"My EQL bandpass is fairly level, I'm not sure how familiar you are with my unit. it's a 13 band EQ.

The MTX ReQ is recieveing the front L and R signals from my head unit and then turning that into SUB LR and full range LR which feeds to my EQL

I have a 6 db roll off starting at around 80-100 hertz. it's nearly a 12 db roll at 63 hertz and 24 db once you hit 45 and below... ofcourse it's a rolloff so these are just approximates.

My sx750.4 is all digitally set. I have the front doors crossed over at either 73 or 85 hertz (with an 18db rolloff) right now I believe with the bass enhancements targeted around the 120-150 hertz range.

My sub bypasses all this EQ settings as it's pulling it's RCA signal directly from the MTX ReQ, I have a JL 10w7 and it's crossed over fairly high for a sub, I forget what I have it set at right now. But my sub can pound and never complains about playing a wide range. I purposely want a wide range punchy response from my 10" in a sealed box because I listen mostly to rock. As far as power..... it's a 10w7, it's plenty loud enough."

so i am nto 100% sure on EQ's or how to set them up so i was wondering if you knew and or if these settings sounded a bit off to you... also if it helps here is the midbass driver he blew.


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I think he missed one major piece of the puzzle.

My sx750.4 is all digitally set. I have the front doors crossed over at either 73 or 85 hertz (with an 18db rolloff) right now I believe with the bass enhancements targeted around the 120-150 hertz range.

The EQ although it has a gently slope, is INFRONT of the amp. Which means, the gentle slope is intended and I by no means am using the EQ as a crossover. The Kicker sx750.4 is all digital and the internal crossover is set at an 85Hertz roll-off of 18db, which is a steep slope. The speakers barely get any response below 60 hertz which is above the woofers rated frequency response.

The problem could likely be the Headunit, however I purposely have everything tuned to about 75% of the head units power. This means I never turn my stereo above 75% from the head unit as the distortion from stock head units at higher volumes is BAD... If the head unit is still clipping and distorting at 75% then i'm SOL unless I get a new head unit. (which i'm trying to avoid because I have a Mazda 2009 and I don't want to swap the HU)

If you don't mind, ask him what he suggest that is "bigger and better"

The rating on these 6.5 woofers are pretty good but right now, I'm not overly impressed with their ability to handle over time.

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Could that be more confusing to read?

What is the LP set at and what slope. If he is using 2 (one on the amp also) include both.

How did he set his gains?

Why does he think the h/u is clipping?

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basically we have no idea why the midblow, i will ask him the what his LP is and the slope of it.

and sorry for all the confusion.

he set the gain via ear but then he tells me that he set it 3/4 the way.. so i am like ya over powering it much? i wil dip deeper into the gains,

he thinks the h/u is clippings b/c it is an ome!

other then that i will report back!

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The first thing you need to do is figure out if the mid blew mechanically or thermally. That will tell you a lot from the get-go.

Find out what he means by "bass enhancements targeted at the 120-150 hz range." To me that sounds like bass boost. We all know the issue with that.

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It should have "warned" him as it went as well. They usually get nasty when being overworked.

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Could that be more confusing to read?

What is the LP set at and what slope. If he is using 2 (one on the amp also) include both.

How did he set his gains?

Why does he think the h/u is clipping?

hey m5 here is his reply to your question! i also told him to sign up to the ssa forums and say hi and comment on this post rather then going though me, unless he wnats to go though me and get delay reponse times lol!!

"My Equalizer is not intended to really operate as a crossover, more of a steady rolloff for the lower frequencies.

The LP on the amp is set at about roughly 85 HZ with an 18db rolloff.

The gains on the amp are around set at 7 out of 12.

The Headunit never gets turned up past 75-80% because I know it can be the "lease trusted" peice of the puzzle for distortion/clipping."

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m5 is saying, and correctly so, that the distortion cause by overpowering the speaker should have been audible....

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Could that be more confusing to read?

What is the LP set at and what slope. If he is using 2 (one on the amp also) include both.

How did he set his gains?

Why does he think the h/u is clipping?

hey m5 here is his reply to your question! i also told him to sign up to the ssa forums and say hi and comment on this post rather then going though me, unless he wnats to go though me and get delay reponse times lol!!

"My Equalizer is not intended to really operate as a crossover, more of a steady rolloff for the lower frequencies.

The LP on the amp is set at about roughly 85 HZ with an 18db rolloff.

The gains on the amp are around set at 7 out of 12.

The Headunit never gets turned up past 75-80% because I know it can be the "lease trusted" peice of the puzzle for distortion/clipping."

I am not interested in a subjective description of his eq, but what his settings are at. "steady rolloff" isn't helpful at all, nor possible with an eq anyways.

"Roughly 85Hz" is also not much of a setting...unless by roughly it is explained how that number was come up with. On top of that I surely hope you mean HP and not LP otherwise it is real obvious what happened.

Gains 7 out of 12 could be WAY into clipping or nowhere near, depends on how he is feeding the signal into the amps. My guess is he clipped the piss out of them.

75-80% "least trusted" wasn't a safe move. Either you have to listen for distortion or measure it on an o-scope, nothing else will tell you anything.

There are only two real possibilities here. Thermally cooking the drivers or mechanically. I am trying to understand his HP filter. If he truly used a LP instead then it was most definitely mechanical as having a midbass play from 85Hz and down doesn't make any sense. If he used a HP and it failed if it was truly set at a decent level then he thermally smoked those drivers which most likely means they were clipped to all living hell.

To really know and help we really need the REAL settings not something he is going from memory on.

**unless of course the LP wasn't a typo**

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ty m5 i will get in touch with him today and see what what he saysing!

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