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Fi Q "Fully-Loaded" Indentification?

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Hey, just contemplating buying a Fi Q 12" off someone and he claims it is "Fully-Loaded" and after asking him is there is any proof of it being fully-loaded he said no.

He then said now that he thinks of it, he's not sure if they are, as he only got told that when he bought them off someone else.

So, is there any way we can verify if they are fully-loaded or not? Say a Imprinted serial number somewhere and you might have that particular build in your files somewhere and you can see if they were upgraded?

Oh he has 2 for sale, thats why i said "If they are fully-loaded or not"....my mate might get the other one!!

Thanks, Regards.. Craig

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sorry but theres no way to tell :puzzled:

fully loaded: adding extra options such as cooling etc...

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