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BanginGMC's Build Log | The Rebuild

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damn good looking truck man. i drive an 87 ext cab s10 myself. how deep is your box? and how wide?

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Dude great build log.

Cant wait to see the finished product.


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Alright guys!!! I'm sorry for the wait, there has been A LOT of ideas and I think I finally decided on what I want to do :)

Here's going to be the re-build for the front stage :morepower1:

Here's a teaser picture for you..


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Alright guys!!! I'm sorry for the wait, there has been A LOT of ideas and I think I finally decided on what I want to do :)

Here's going to be the re-build for the front stage :morepower1:

Here's a teaser picture for you..

You fucker! Making us wait all this time, We already knew those, lol.


What are you going to use for tweeters?

Looks nice so far bro!@

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DAMN! just spent about 2 hours reading ur build from page 1! i liked the whole thing D. its awesome that you became a part of Team SSA. (my dream to be part of Team SSA one day) keep it comin and dont post pics every couple months!!! :P


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Alright guys!!! I'm sorry for the wait, there has been A LOT of ideas and I think I finally decided on what I want to do :)

Here's going to be the re-build for the front stage :morepower1:

Here's a teaser picture for you..

You fucker! Making us wait all this time, We already knew those, lol.


What are you going to use for tweeters?

Looks nice so far bro!@

x2, seas tweets?

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:popcorn: tuned in! Can't wait to see what's in store....

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Hahaha but you didn't know how many :P

I'll upload some more pictures later tonight when I'm off work. ;)

Thanks for the replies guys

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Alright guys, I just got home from work :)

Here's some pictures of the speakers being used in the front stage.



















The tweeter selection is not 100% permanent, I have to hook them up and see how they sound.

I also got some HIDs :drink40:

More secrets coming soon..

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gotta' make those smaller :suicide-santa:

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Yeah, pictures are fucking huge lol

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Yeah, pictures are fucking huge lol

your pics dont resize by themselves?

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How high can those AA mids play?

You are going to need to cross those Seleniums over pretty damn high, like 5000hz with any power on em.

They get loud as fuck tho and can tweaked to blend ok if your mids can play up high.

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How high can those AA mids play?

You are going to need to cross those Seleniums over pretty damn high, like 5000hz with any power on em.

They get loud as fuck tho and can tweaked to blend ok if your mids can play up high.

Those mids go to about 2500, but can go higher. They just start to break up.

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They resized or me also, just take some time, depends on the internet connection. But they are huge! They resized to 32% and are still huge! How the HID's working? :peepwall:

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I love my AA mids :drink40:


I think they would resize, if they ever loaded in the first place. Probably just my slow ass lap top. :turkey:

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i have a brand new laptop (need a new router for the house though) and it was still a slow fix. but after it resized, i thought the photos doubled somehow. 8 AA mids??? Thats going to be amazing. wish i could hear it when its all done

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Going to have a fat octave gap right in the vocal range with that setup. A single pair of the tweets should also have more output than 4 pairs of the AA mids when used in its appropriate frequency range *assuming Selenium's specs aren't crap*

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I noticed on your doors and other panels besides the roof you had just a few tiles spread out. How effective was it using the sound deadener like that instead of completely covering the whole panel?

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I noticed on your doors and other panels besides the roof you had just a few tiles spread out. How effective was it using the sound deadener like that instead of completely covering the whole panel?

It's dumb to cover the whole panel in dampener, 25% coverage is all that's needed.

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I noticed on your doors and other panels besides the roof you had just a few tiles spread out. How effective was it using the sound deadener like that instead of completely covering the whole panel?

It's dumb to cover the whole panel in dampener, 25% coverage is all that's needed.

see i understand the 25% idea but at the same time i am one of those people who go overboard on everything. i sound deadened my whole truck (minus roof, i ran out) ensolite and MLV. i really enjoy it for when i turn the radio off and have a phone call like i'm in a sound proof chamber.

still waiting to see how the AA mids turn out

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