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I RLLY neeed help i just hooked up my brutus to my fi ssd 18 and all its doing is go thud thud thud thud thud thud thud nonstop kinda quickly with no music bass coming from it idk wtf is wrong with it if i take the RCA out it stops please help.... i hooked it before and it worked fine but someoone broke into my car and ripped everything out but they caught them and i got it all back so idk just any suggestions

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Seems like it is an rca problem, had this issue before (either tthe shields on your amp or headunit are bad). To see which one it is, hook up and MP3 player to your amp and see if it still does it (if it does then its the amp). If it does not do it while the MP3 is hooked up then it is the radio itself. Check your RCA wires as well, the ends could of got jacked up during the process. Hope this helps

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I had a problem similar and it turned out to be a bad ground. Check the RCA's and the ground both.

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I had a problem similar and it turned out to be a bad ground. Check the RCA's and the ground both.

thank you all .... i called up my friend and he said he noticed that where i tucked my RCA in under the weather stipping it was all jacked up and he never told me cuz i never had a problem before... so when they ripped my stuff out they damaged it even more so it has to be my RCA illl get a new one ... PM me tomorrow if you wanna know if it works out

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I had a problem similar and it turned out to be a bad ground. Check the RCA's and the ground both.

thank you all .... i called up my friend and he said he noticed that where i tucked my RCA in under the weather stipping it was all jacked up and he never told me cuz i never had a problem before... so when they ripped my stuff out they damaged it even more so it has to be my RCA illl get a new one ... PM me tomorrow if you wanna know if it works out

How about you reply to this thread and let US know if it works. :)

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I had a problem similar and it turned out to be a bad ground. Check the RCA's and the ground both.

thank you all .... i called up my friend and he said he noticed that where i tucked my RCA in under the weather stipping it was all jacked up and he never told me cuz i never had a problem before... so when they ripped my stuff out they damaged it even more so it has to be my RCA illl get a new one ... PM me tomorrow if you wanna know if it works out

How about you reply to this thread and let US know if it works. :)

x2 i would like to see if it is the rca or not

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9 times out of 10 it is the RCA or RCA Shields on the equipment itself since something is affecting the signal it is putting out, I had the same problem before where I switched the ground and it didnt help. I hope you get this issue resolved and it isnt anything major.

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