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Need help choosing Subs Audioque?

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I am looking to upgrade my current setup. I have a Directed Audio D2400 pushing 2 Hifonics Brutus Subs in a ported pre-fab box. It was a pretty good setup, but now I want more. I have been looking at the AQ sdc2.5 15" woofer. I would want to power it with a Hifonics 1200D Brutus Series amp. Running it at 2 ohms, which would send about 900 rms to the sub. I researched, sub and amp is a little under $400 total . Is there any setup that is better than this for the price. They are going in the trunk of an 04 Grand Prix.



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Take a look at the ssa shop, and at the Fi website, and then come back with some more specific questions. What do you listen to, in what car, electrical upgrades, box specs(if you can) ...?

You can find much better subs than the AQ sdc and Hifonics amps!!

Here are some brands to look at : Fi, SSA, Sundown, DC, ...etc

Good luck !

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I listen to mostly Hip Hop, some rock. It's in a 2004 Grand Prix, I have the Big 3, and 0 Gauge Wiring. Im looking at a a 4.0 cubic foot box tuned to 32-34hz.

Im taking a look at the other brands you mentioned now. Thanks.

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With a big box like that, you can have a great subwoofer setup!

Sundown Z or SA, ssa xcon, Fi ssd or bl,.......

I don't know anything about your amp, but can you keep it for now, and get a really good 15" sub , or 2 smaller ones ?

You will change the amp later if you feel the need.

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the z.2 is out of that price range.... the sa-15 will be out 3rd quarter of the year if you can wait, and the 125.2 bridged will put out right around 500rms, or you could get the 1000 for a lil bit more if you can find one. i would try a fi ssd 15 on a sax 125.2 bridged

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You may as well maximize the output of that amp and run it at 1 ohm (I assume it's 1 ohm stable). You can always turn the gain down to limit the output power. You just don't want to be in a situation where you're trying to get extra output from the amplifier at 2 ohms by cranking the gain or bass boost beyond clipping levels.

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I have been looking around and I'm really interested in an 18" Fi SSD or 15" BL. Is there a huge difference in the two? Im not sure I will have enough space for an 18"? anybody have an 18 in a car? My trunk is rather large but the SSD needs 6-10 cubes ported and the bl needs 3-5. Any help is greatly appreciated. Also I sold my current setup last night to my buddy so I need a new amp as well. I've had 2 12's and 3 10's in this car before but I want more.

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I think for $400, that set up the OP posted isn't bad. Sure there are better subs and amps, but most of them also cost more. If I were you though, I would look at a 15" SSD from Ficaraudio.com. It's $40 more, but if you get the dual 2ohm version, you can run your amp at 1 ohm and get the full power from it. I also think it'll probably sound better and louder then the AQ.

EDIT: just read your post above mine. If you need a new amp, I would look at Audioque or Sundown. The Audioque will be cheaper though. I doubt you can fit an 18" in your car.

Do you have a set budget? A BL and a new amp will be well over $400.... infact the BL alone is nearly that much after shipping.

Edited by Nirvalica

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Go with a 15", cramping an 18" in a box too small will not perform how a 15" will in its recommended enclosure.

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No, my budget is flexible but I want to stay under $500 for sub & amp. maybe a little more with shipping. I really want to try an 18" ssd. Im just not sure if I have the space. I like the audioque 1200d amp and its only around $200.

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No, my budget is flexible but I want to stay under $500 for sub & amp. maybe a little more with shipping. I really want to try an 18" ssd. Im just not sure if I have the space. I like the audioque 1200d amp and its only around $200.

You shouldnt buy something you cant fit in your car unless you care about looks than performance and dont mind it not sounding as loud or as good as it should, but to each its own since it is your money. To see if you have the space go get the max dimensions of your trunk (length x width x depth) and that will help you decide what you can fit in your trunk.

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If your trunk is anything like my Grand Am's then good luck fitting that big of a box. Its hard to fit much larger than a 4 cubic foot box after all displacements in my trunk. You could seal it off and get a good amount of space but if you are going with a box then you better stick with the 15" and don't try to cram an 18" in there.

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Thanks for all the responses, Is it worth it to shell out the extra $100 to get the BL over the ssd, I'm talking 15" sub, and is the audioque amp enough?

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Thanks for all the responses, Is it worth it to shell out the extra $100 to get the BL over the ssd, I'm talking 15" sub, and is the audioque amp enough?

Yeah its worth it but that is up to you, its your money and your system. If it is in your budget then get the BL but if not the SSD will perform well also.

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what i would try is a saz-1000 round 315, and a fi ssd 15..... you have to clip aq amps to get rated, and the saz1000 you will get 1200 of clean power out of it@ 1 ohm

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also on that power i would stick with the ssd

The power you have should not determine what subwoofer you run, there is no such thing as underpowering a woofer neither so either choice will do just fine (its whether he wants to spend an extra $100 for more output).

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There's a refurb SAZ-1500 for $310. Also, the SAZ-1000d is on sale right now for $275. I would stick with a 15". Cramming an 18" will mean you will probably have to compromise on performance. Go with the BL if you can afford it. Sundown are great amps, but I've never heard anything negative about audioque until what tyoung just said. I would do some searches of audioque amps and see what other people who own them are saying about them.

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only reason i know is i compete and used a cadence ia9 last year, and a aq 2200 as a temp amp(same board, cadence has better parts a lil bit more power), not saying they are bad amps. they run HOT also, my saz 1500 @.66 stays way cooler than the cadence or aq @1

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I think that Alton on here said something about his brother having an 18" SSD in his Grand Prix or Grand Am. You could ask him about it if you really want to do an 18.

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I am leaning toward the 15" SSD with the Hifonics Brutus 1200D amp. The amp is only $180 new. I don't think I can find an amp even in that range. I would like to spend as little as possible on this system, I'm a budget shopper lol. THat would put me right around $400.

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Check db-r electronics for refurbished Sundown amps. A lot nicer than Hifonics.

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if you only want the amp for a short time go ahead with hifonics.... we clamped an 08 2600 and got 1k @1.3 ohms......... rofl go aq b4 hifonis man

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yea i have a brutus 1200d its not all that great...but it dose the job......

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^^^^ all i have to say is clamp it......... a pyramid amp will "work" also lol

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