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IAK needs an "IHOP"

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HAHA that is a walmart photo isn't it

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HAHA that is a walmart photo isn't it

lol , sure is.... we gotta entertain ourselves somehow!

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Chop, I used to be a certified computer tech. Let me know sometime if I can help you with your PC problems....

well, i just might have to drag it along with me....

not sure, but i thinkit needs a good cleaning out, and the right combo of good stuff put back into it.....

there seems to be a issue with the owner i believe!!!!

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Gonna try and get more added to my tattoo here soon. Make it look like it is stitched into my arm like a patch kinda.

that would be cool!

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Chop that wouldn't be with the machine I sent you would it? If he is having any issues with it let me know... Goes along way as a builder when you own your stuff for a life time

i get a wild notion from timt to time, thinking a wish i would of held onto it..... just wonder what i could do with it...... scribble ftw! lol

he has not mentioned any issues and uses it often, i talked him into a bad place....sorta.....

as i encouraged hm to stay off the sauce.... the worse he has developed the shakes...

it is quite frightening to return to his booth seeing his hand tremble like such....

went on to another shop.....but not feeling thier work either....

then had one of the guys we use to get work from....

but......not feeling him too much...lol

either i am getting picky or developing taste...

either way...

still looking

any one around the indianapolis area you might suggest? within 100 miles or so is cool,


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So you weren't feelin kenny too much?

i got alot of hours of his work.... and have done alot for him...buisness wise....

some of the emotions ....drama...had long since faded away.....

till i went back over there....fail

after you left...i was supposeto get ink ...well after gina and chuck.....

well he invited some other folks over....to get ink as well....

not too cool imo..... i seen the whole " lets get you out lined and then just come back for the rest in a couple of weeks" .....

not feeling that crap again....

small, one setting pieces, fine....

but i do not get small one session pieces any more..

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Right on I feel ya. I was thinkin bout goin back to get some more added to mine, I don't really like "shopping around" when I don't really know anyone that does it, unless I went to a shop. And for me to go to a shop to get more work added on to someone elses existing work is kinda direspectful imo, plus itd cost me 60 bucks to get it added probably lol. He seemed like a decent dude all in all, then again I don't truly know him. I will probably give him a call to do a little more to mine, then shop around for the next one, maybe go back to billy probably not idk we will see...

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well, you have seen my leg, it gets plenty of positive comments....

he has done work on soooo many of our friends and family.....

you will be fine with him.....

i am just an asshole on somethings, lol....but you already know that....

just plain ol grumpy at times..haha

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Yes me too!!! And you know that aswell haha. Oh, ordered my recone yesterday, ftw!!! Should get it soon box build hopefully starting next week, depending on how much I get paid this week.

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only progress i made with my build is to loose the dam keys....

there goes 45 bucks on a locksmith!

sorta blew the candles right out on my fail cake! :suicide-santa:

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had just told gina i have not heard aout your recone...... or maybe it was chuck.....i just knew you were out of it for a while......

glad you are in the loop still....

do you get a prize for you 50th install or what?!?! lol

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Lol I wish, probably more than the 50th, with a kid on the way money will be strapped for awhile. But I am so excited and can't wait for this kid to be born. I AM A have a baby boy and teach it everything about car audio lol.

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Samantha's doctor says she is measuring 35 weeks , but she is only 32 weeks...looks like this lil girl is going to try to be like her brother and come out almost a toddler, lol


teaching his lil guy audio= ftw!!!

show starts judging at 9am, btw......


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After 3 years and 1 month I have my 1000 post lol

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small, one setting pieces, fine....

but i do not get small one session pieces any more..

Typical set down for me is 6-9 hrs. The gypsy was 7 cost me one machine. I'll send you another chop some time in january when I make another 100 machines.

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After 3 years and 1 month I have my 1000 post lol

Not yet.... still says 999.

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After 3 years and 1 month I have my 1000 post lol

Not yet.... still says 999.


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small, one setting pieces, fine....

but i do not get small one session pieces any more..

Typical set down for me is 6-9 hrs. The gypsy was 7 cost me one machine. I'll send you another chop some time in january when I make another 100 machines.

that would be too cool...... but this one is for me.... for keeps!



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steve.... i will try to get them doors ripped apart soon bro.... great offer on the floor from you.... just a really busy weekend just got alot busier.

i have five skillets on a four burner stove sorta!

remodeling is at it's peak, as all of upstairs is done and downstairs is a complete construction zone...

birthdays and halloween tend to take up time too..

potential job opportunity..... need to live closer to robinson, il. ..... < spelling could be off.....

speaking of.....

hey Alton..... how big is your couch bro!!!!???? lol

i will need your help with my computer... it is getting worse, not better.

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Maybe now, I swear it said 999 on my profile before I posted lol

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Woohoo! Go on with your bad self Mikey, LOL!! It's a bitch posting from my phone so my count is in creep mode right now.....library internet use FTL!!

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Chop you're welcome to use the couch, but I'd recommend the spare bed, lol.

Give me a call sometime, I'll be more than happy to walk you through some steps to get it working right again.

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Well Happy birthday to me...lol.... :dancing::dancing::dancing: Have a Great day all... IAK ftw... :woot::woot::woot:

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