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Life Of Infamy

Subwoofer problems

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My friend has a 12" Phoenix Gold Tantrum-X subwoofer. It is discontinued. he bought it from some one for $40 in a sealed box with an 800w Boss Audio amplifier. I believe the subwoofer has a problem because we hooked it up to 2 different amplifiers and it did the same thing. (The amps were properly hooked up and set correctly.)

THE PROBLEM: When you start a song the subwoofer will work like normal, but when the bass in the song becomes quiet and there's just lyrics and music the subwoofer will stop working all together. But if you tap on the cone once then the subwoofer will start working like normal again. but once the bass becomes minimal then the subwoofer will stop working, then the process repeats itself.

any help/feed-back would be greatly appreciated

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Seems like one of the leads is broken and every time you tap the cone it makes a connection again for a short amount of time.

I would take it out of the box for a visual inspection.


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we did give it a once-over inspection, but all the leads are solidly connected. so I don't know if there is an internal problem.

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stick a multi meter on it and measure resistance

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^^^ this in both the working and non-working states. It will tell you what's up.

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