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Fi 12" BTL sealed trunk enclosure

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I'm currently thinking about building a box for a 12 btl with both the sub and the port aimed into the cabin, sealing off the trunk from the cabin. I have looked at tons of boxes doing this but they all port on either the right or left side of the box. I often have 4 people in my car so this would mean the seats would have to remain up giving the port very little room to breath. My middle seat has an arm rest that comes down and my idea was to have the box port right there so that i can just put the arm rest down and give the port a place to breath. My question is can i port the box in the middle and place the sub to either the right or left of the port. I don't have a in-depth understanding how pressure works inside a box but I'm now trying to do something that would kill db. Hopefully you can understand what im trying to explain but thanks for any help that u can provide.

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you could port the middle......... or you could just do standard port back sub back and put the middle armrest down so pressure can tranfer into the cabin more freely. i dont know how just the port into cabin and sub in trunk would work???

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This is what i did... 4 10"s firing into the cabin. I debated on sub placement and port placement for awhile and decided to just put the port along the top (which since i had 4 subs it was pretty much the only spot bsides the bottom).... i would be interested to see what the difference would be if the port could line up with my ski-pass hole, but it doesnt.... luckily for me i usually only carry one person so i keep my seats down but when i have to take a few people i flip up the seats and flip down the ski pass armrest.... there is noticably loss in how loud it is with seats up but again not usually a problem for me unless a group of friends want to pile in my car instead of meet up... however, it is fun to flip up the seats and have ppl sit back there unknowing and crank it..... reactions are priceless. (feels like a massage too)

but back to your situation haha... personally i would try to line up the port with the ski-pass opening like you said. and then put the driver on one side.... if your whole rear seat is one piece and folds down all-or-none then thats how id do it.... if yours is like mine and is two pieces (one for one seat and then the middle and other seat are together) then i would line either line up the port with skipass and put sub where the single fold-down is or put port where single fold-down is and sub behind hole....probably go with former tho)

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Thanks for the advise... i have a 2010 mazda 3 so my seats fold down in to different sections.

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port on the bottom. always.

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