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Don Ganso

Running .67

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Impedence rise thread in Sundown Technical saved me! I cannot count on impedence rise because I will be using the same set up for daily, in which case I may even see impedence drop! Saved my butt a load of stress! 1.33 it is then!

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the imp rise is box/car dependent but from what ive seen sundowns sa line has a low rise,...... im running at .66 daily man lol amp doesn't even get hot i ran for 2 hours almost full tilt on the way to my demo yesterday and have had no issues, just find the right amp and you will be ok

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i have a sundown 3500 d and i will be running 3 fi ssd 18's d2's and i talked to scott from fi last night and he said my best option would be to wire them in series to a .93 load will this be safe daily?

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i have a sundown 3500 d and i will be running 3 fi ssd 18's d2's and i talked to scott from fi last night and he said my best option would be to wire them in series to a .93 load will this be safe daily?


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thanks guys and yes .93 three d2's in series is .93 because of the coils actual impedences this is what scott from fi said it would end up being

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You should never, never, what so ever count on imp rise on a daily system. Music is a whole different ball game when it comes to single tone burps. Playing below tuning can easily drop the impedence down. ( and trust me it's possible with s&c music or music that gets low)

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When I had my SAZ-1000's at .5 each, strapped at 1, if the song dropped to low the fuses would pop. Just be careful.

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just a note, i run my 1500 at .66 and run that daily for long periods of time,at 20hz we saw a rise of 4x and got 1600w @12v 2.6ohms, if it would have had more juice i might have popped a fuse

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Well, on a side note, I guess I will be running 1 ohm, as money is tighter than anticipated and 2 SA-8s are all that the budget allows right now.

Thanks again everyone for the help, I hope this thread is useful to other people as well.

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