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Avalanche 18 Review

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this thing is INSANE!

i have the gains so so extremely conservative. only to aprox 30v asumeing an impeadance rise to around 3ohms im only getting 300-400w. and my roof is "only" flexing 1/4-1/2"....my dome light is "only" moving 1/16th (or so). not too many rattles but it hasnt gotten very loud yet either. the main test song has been "push that" but little john. no rock yet (im still amazed with its loudness wiht only 300-400w). it is overpowering my componets like they are nothing. speaking is impossible. and in the low lows (30Hz area, near tuning) the pressure changes are starting to take effect (as far as the funny breathing).

not the loudest ive been in but deffanitly the loudest with such minimal wattage. already nearly as loud as the "157" set up my friend has (4 JL w1v2 12's with 500w) the only thing lacking is the little hurt of the ears when unprotected.

the cone is just beinging to move, hasnt gone below tuning yet. its only moving 1/2" right now (or maybe more...the cone is so large it makes movement seem smaller and with no refereny logo because the CF blends with itsself)

like i said, the truck doesnt rattle very much at all. none to be heard inside except on the VERY low/loud notes. and distortion is minimal besides what the stock headunit is giving.

to even really hear my componets i have to turn my bass knob half way down which is -9dB. :lol:

but, i need to get an amp for my componets now and high pass them at around 50-60Hz.

well enough talking here are some installed pics excuse the ghetto grille... function before form




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sounds nutty, would be interested to hear how it was when you push it harder

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Where is the pr0n !

Why so little watts ?

Is that the driving position...eeek

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im short, i can still lean back the seat i just had it leaned forward for the ghetto grille shot.

im only 5'5'' and i like to be where i have just a bit of bend in my elbow but with my butt close enough so i can completely press the clutch with still good bend in my knee...

and so little wattz because im making sure this ghetto RCA setup is gonna work.

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if you cleaned that up and carpetted the box, i think it would be awesome. (and loose that ghetto grill)

i like the avatar a la denim.

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it is wired to 1ohm, dumbass... ;)

someone wasnt paying attention. "assumeing an impedanct rise to around 3ohm" well impedance for a 1ohm nomimal is benched by Loyd L at 2.67ohm....go figure.

tomarrow im going to raise the voltage to 43v (900w into 2ohm impedance around 700w with a 2.67 impedance)

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no more bickering please.

and damn, thats some impedance rise.

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3ohm isnt uncommon... :)

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Reset the gains today and put a pice of blue tape on the dust cap, still isnt moving near full xmax, even at 25Hz...but this thing is a low end beast...

looking out any of the mirrors on anything below 50Hz is impossible (60 on the inside rear view).

at around 30Hz the vibration beings to move the inside rearview out of place instead of back and forth, rear windsheild ism oving a bit the roof has stoped flexing as much (dome light is still moving). maybe it was my imagineation. yesterday.

25Hz, with the gains reset and the bass knob all the way up, the jelly in my eyes goes wave like so (lol) yet audible output is very slim. gear selector (which is in neutral) vibrates eraticly if the door is opened...still havent checked if i could do a little bit of the hair trick though i imagine i will be able to at around 28Hz where maximum cabing pressure with the window cracked feels to be at. still isnt hurting my ears, probably because there is no distortion to speak of.

i know output is being cut back by my head unit because the dash vibrates quite a bit. it probably thinks it is going down a really bumpy road.

its startin to rain so i had to stop playing and i think i may be starting to piss the neighbors off. so no pron.

tomarrow i will do a few tones at 28Hz with door loosely latched to see if i canget the door to move, though i dont think i will.

on the song at the end of the funkypup destructo vid...omy the lower note of the beat feels like getting sholdertackled by a sweeper twice your size (soccer) over and over when sitting right infront of the driver.

well im on the look out for a good 100wx2@4ohm amp on ebay. even with the bass knob down there is a gap between 70 and 100Hz and if amping these componets my next step will be either Ascendants 6.5's or thoes 6/5's that look like a fire place that are still in prototype stage.

my ears feel like they are full of warm water now and ive just been in from it a few minutes.

voltage drops now and the dome light drops then recovers right when you hit a tone.

now that i think of it, the pain from my friends setup may have been from distortion and higher frequincies... the main discomfort with this is on the low lows with breathing. i cant wait untill i actually get my licence (next tuesday) to go get it metered on the AC.... its gonna be weird burping at like 30Hz...lol but that is the consequince of having such a low Fs (half that of the XXX18). i tried a12.5Hz tone but there is no way to turn off the subsonic and it is set to 15Hz... but on "bass i love you" this thing does move...a good inch or so.

well the pizza man is here...g2g

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it is wired to 1ohm, dumbass... ;)

someone wasnt paying attention. "assumeing an impedanct rise to around 3ohm" well impedance for a 1ohm nomimal is benched by Loyd L at 2.67ohm....go figure.

tomarrow im going to raise the voltage to 43v (900w into 2ohm impedance around 700w with a 2.67 impedance)

Wasn't explicitly stated, also...Impedance rise is different in EVERY single enclosure. You can't base it off a generic number...you have to plot an impedance rise map ;)



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may have been, the one on woofervids.com.

im working on getting the impeadance charted but now my main project is the security system and getting the enclosure bolted down.

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Well i found my dads multimeter that can measure AC current...the screen was crushed...so off to radioshack i go since im not in the position to buy a clamp meter.

here is the results of my impedance testing. :domoslay:


and for thoes that DONT exactly understand how to hook it all up it goes a little somthing like this


btw, wtf denim? image tags no longer allowed on this board? :huh:

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