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Help with stealth box b4 building

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MY buddy drives a 2008 regular cab silverado.....

He has a matrix 12' that is a fairly beefy subwoofer.....

if im correct his amp is 1000 watt

This weekend we plan to build a box like Fi-Ford Console/Enclosure...STEALTH - SSA Car Audio Forum Has built for trucks....

My question is.... WE plan on just doing it sealed to begin with... I think with this small of a truck it will be just fine and loud enough....

If he is no satisfied if we were to use like 1 or 2 tubes of pipe to port it would it in any way mess up the subwoofer or anything... ( could we vary the sound by length of the port in the box what size pipe would be best... )

also... if we do it either seale dor ported should we place the sub facing to the back glass or the front... and would if we put it facing back will it matter if the ports are placed under the subwoofer facing the rear also or would this sound crappy.... thanks for all your help.... I've done enough to know that this stuff gets down to a science and he's the type that build a box and cuts a hole in it and its the loudest thing ever.... So i just want to basically know if we can uses tubing like 2inch round or 3 or whatever... and if we do that will it hurt the subwoofer in any way....thanks for the help we plan to be building it this weekend....

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Lol ok well what sort of box should we do... theres no room for the sub behind the seat?????

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