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Sir, I already said "I give up, Yall win" You won the battle ... I gave up to keep from getting kicked off the forum ... But yall shure know how to kick a man when he's down ... Real hard to believe you 2 are the people that others look up to in this forum ... I'm kicking myself out of this conversation ... Yall have a nice day ...

No one is going to kick you off of the forum unless you become blatantly disrespectful or spam, neither of which have happened.

However, part of our function here is to operate with our bullshit detectors on so that the members of the community do not get mislead with poor information. It's not our fault the detectors sound full alarm when pointed in your direction. Perhaps you should review the content and information of your own posts before blaming others for how you feel you're being treated. One simple answer 2 pages ago could have saved you a lot of trouble.

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well right now i just have the setting on the amp and the headunit's 7 band eq, which only one is for the sub (60 hz or is it 50? Cant remember). so if i turn the 50 or 60 hz one down it turns the lows down, not ideal in my situation. so i think it effects the "wave" or "slope" of the signal. so say if i put the 50 hz to like -2 then 32 hz would be at like -8 (not sure if this math is correct). but it sort of explains where im coming from. and say you had a 60 and a 32 hz adjustment. if you turned down the 60 wouldnt the signal be in negative db's untill it hit 32? then it would flaten out right? maybe my logic is wrong, but it seems to be right per an ear test. so refering to my last post, i wish to control certain frequencies with more "accuracy". like the 50-65 hz at - 3db signal and the rest would be a case to case thing depending on subwoofer movement/heating up and so on. just somthing to think about maybe. i may be way off on this and need to be set straight. IDK somtimes my logic is really bad.

IDk if that gave you more info, but it took me a while to type it. lol, also i know my spelling is horrible. its late and im tired so....yea...

Thanks for your time.

If you put your EQ to -2 @ 60hz, then the signal shouldn't be down -8 @ 32hz. The signal @ 32hz may be down some, but it will be some amount less than -2 (the adjustment at the center frequency of the EQ). One thing you need to understand however is that there is no EQ on the market that will allow you to adjust individual frequencies. Every EQ has an Q factor. The value of Q tells you how wide of a bandwidth of frequencies will be affected by an adjustment made to the EQ at a given center frequency. The higher the Q, the narrower the bandwidth. So when you make an adjustment at 50 or 60hz, some range of frequencies above and below that frequency (the bandwidth depends on the Q) will be affected by the adjustment (the further from the center frequency, the less the signal is affected). So any EQ won't offer exactly what you want. An adjustment at one frequency will affect frequencies around it.....there's no escaping this fact.

A parametric EQ allows you to adjust the Q factor as well as the center frequency of EQ bands. This would allow you a little more control over the effect of the EQ, but parametric EQ's generally have less EQ bands. So while their control is a little better, the give you less bands to play with. A graphic EQ has fixed center frequencies and Q factors, so there is less flexibility but they generally offer more bands. If you want "a lot" of control in the bottom 2 octaves, you'll probably have to go the route of a 1/3 octave graphic EQ. It would give you the most bands to contour the sound. A typical 1/3 octave graphic EQ that begins at 20hz would have center frequencies in the bass region of 20, 25, 31.5, 40, 50, 63 & 80hz. Most parametrics will likely offer only around 2 bands of adjustment within the same 2 octaves.

I'd also ask what subwoofer and enclosure you were using? A change in enclosure alignment may help partially solve the issues you are having aswell. Fixing some response issues related to the enclosure would reduce the amount EQ necessary to reach your target response.

Well right now its the Fi car audio BL in a 2.5 cuft box with 42 sq inches of prt tuned to 34 hz. im will be putting the BTL in the same exact enclosure(designed for a BTL). the amp for the bl is the rockford t1500 and the amp for the BTL will be the sundown saz-3000. I dont think the question will be answered by me telling you what equiptment im using, just because I dont have an issue per say, just a want. I wish to turn down frequencies and boost frequencies at will, the standard 2 band eq for the sub range will not do. i wish to boost the bottom range, say 30-36, flatten out the middle sub range say 37-45 and turn down the 50-65 hz frequencies without having them be too quiet, if i set my LPF to say 50 hz then the 65 hz notes are a little bit quieter than i would like, and if i turn the LPF to say 60 hz then the 50 hz frequencies are anoyingly loud on music (rap/hip hop), at least with the BL the 50 hz notes heat up the woofer and cause me to be worried and i turn down the volume untill a lower note comes again. its just not really an issue, i know im overpowering the sub, but it takes it just fine around tuning, then at like 47+ it just gets all crazy. just not sure how to explain it. i thought maybe an EQ would help, but im not sure. just if anyone has an eq in mind that will allow some sort of tuning on the low end other than 32 and 60 hz i would appreciate it.

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just if anyone has an eq in mind that will allow some sort of tuning on the low end other than 32 and 60 hz i would appreciate it.

I told you exactly what product you need to look for in my 2nd paragraph. What more do you want?

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just if anyone has an eq in mind that will allow some sort of tuning on the low end other than 32 and 60 hz i would appreciate it.

I told you exactly what product you need to look for in my 2nd paragraph. What more do you want?

yes i know, a 1/3 octave that starts at 20 hz, but what brand, i now know what type, but now what is a good brand. not trying to be a menace or anything, just trying to do it right. its like telling some one they need an amplifier that does 1000wrms at 2 ohms, does that mean every amp out there will work for them? no. who knows i might chose the worst one... i dont want that to happen. sorry if you consider this spoon feeding, but it will help alot!


Anton Miller

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just if anyone has an eq in mind that will allow some sort of tuning on the low end other than 32 and 60 hz i would appreciate it.

I told you exactly what product you need to look for in my 2nd paragraph. What more do you want?

yes i know, a 1/3 octave that starts at 20 hz, but what brand, i now know what type, but now what is a good brand. not trying to be a menace or anything, just trying to do it right. its like telling some one they need an amplifier that does 1000wrms at 2 ohms, does that mean every amp out there will work for them? no. who knows i might chose the worst one... i dont want that to happen. sorry if you consider this spoon feeding, but it will help alot!


Anton Miller

Because I spend 30+ minutes going to half a dozen or more online sites to find affordable, reputable products for the best prices for the requester only for them to find a reason not to chose any of them.....which means I just wasted 30+ minutes for nothing.

You can do the legwork. Find some EQ's within your budget that offer the features that you need, toss the links up here and we can help you separate the junk from the decent products out of what you selected.

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Please don't post again without answering the question.

*note an "I can't because I pulled it out of my ass" is a valid answer

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Personally I wouldn't do anything yet. Get in the BTL and then figure out what songs do what that you don't like. Then determine which frequencies those are and then ask for assistance in solving those anomalies. Wanting to adjust to adjust regularly (read almost always) makes things worse than they are. Exceptions there are tons, but eq'ing to eq is NOT a good answer. Eq'ing to make something better is :)

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I gave up guys ... My box is tuned at 22 htz, 4 10s isoberic with a modified 5002IQ w/feedback, 5 batteries ...

I hear low notes in everything ... On a termlab My peak cabin freq is 28htz ... My subs go no higher than 54 htz ...

Your Correct, I shouldn't have jumped into this thread, I don't have a everyday system ... but, I would like to hear the outcome ... thanks.

Edited by Cablguy184

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my box is tuned at 22 htz, 4 10s isoberic with a modified 5002IQ w/feedback, 5 batteries ... I hear low notes in everything ... On a termlab My peak cabin freq is 28htz ... Your Correct, I shouldn't have jumped into this thread ... but, I would like to hear the outcome ... thanks.

You CAN'T hear notes that aren't there.

Why do you keep avoiding answering the question? It was very simple. What instrument plays 25Hz (or lower) on the album YOU stated had them that YOU can hear.

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New rule for you. Never type an ellipse again, it forces your gibberish to be even harder to understand.

On a termlab My peak cabin freq is 28htz

So you have no idea how to use a termlab I see either.

My subs go no higher than 54 htz ...

Another misquote. Or perhaps you'd like to share your magic brick wall filter that keeps them from playing anything above exactly 54Hz.

Is it possible for you to post anything without lying?

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Rule #2, stop editing your posts 15 minutes after typing them. If you can't proofread the first time through or quickly thereafter, don't post.

Anton, sorry for the diversion but this needs to be called out so others don't follow the uninformed.

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OK sir ... I don't know of any low notes below 25 htz on ANY album ... Satisfied???

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OK sir ... I don't know of any low notes below 25 htz on ANY album ... Satisfied???

Well then it is absurd to recommend an enclosure for someone else so that their system can play said notes that don't exist. And now you know why I asked the question. This of course shouldn't have take 30 posts to achieve though.

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Here's an oldie but goodie. I've been very content for years with my Rockford Fosgate EPX2.

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