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Just Dreamin

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I am just dreaming here. I plan to upgrade my substage, but due to a lack of cash, this probably wont be for another year or so. im just kinda tossin around ideas. I want to have a system that is "Clean n Loud", not geared specifically towards SQ or SPL. I listen mainly to rock, metal, but on occasion rap and R&B (so basically everything). I have a decent sized trunk but the entrence to said trunk is very small, hindering what can fit into it..... So far i am thinking of three ideas that would fit.

The first would be to run 2 10" SSD's in a ported box, tuned to ~30 hz, the second would be to run 2 12" SSD's in a sealed box. Any recomendations on these two? Like i said I want it loud, but more importantly clean and able to hit the lows.

The third idea is a bit "out there" but ill say it anyways. 3 10" SSD's in a sealed box. the only problem is that the max width is about 29 inches so i would have to put 2 subs facing forwards an one facing backword (or vice-versa). OR i could put all three facing up. Im not sure if either of these would work though, ive never seen a setup like it and in a trunk, i have no idea if facing up is a good idea at all.

Like I said im just throwing around ideas and would gladly take any thoughts, comments, critisism, ect.

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Three 10's have slightly less cone area than two 12's. Three 10's sealed seem pointless if you can fit two 12's sealed. Two 12's would be less expensive, take up less room and have equal output capabilities.

As for the 10's port verse 12's sealed.....that's a personal decision that I can't much help you with.

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Three 10's have slightly less cone area than two 12's. Three 10's sealed seem pointless if you can fit two 12's sealed. Two 12's would be less expensive, take up less room and have equal output capabilities.

As for the 10's port verse 12's sealed.....that's a personal decision that I can't much help you with.

Alright, yeah the three 10's was something my friend had recomended and it sounded interesting, i didnt realize it would have less cone area though. Im a bit indecisive so i figured i would see what everyone would say about the 12"/10" idea. Now I fully realize that this question is based off of box design, placement and power, but what would be your ball-park estimate on how loud each of these designs would be. Just for argument, say the two tens would be ported at 32hz, the 12s would be sealed, and the power to both would be the exact RMS rating given on the Fi website. Any guesses?


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