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Phoenix Gold TLD22

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My H/U only puts out 2v. Figured this could help so I bought one. Im tryna set it to about 5V. Got the cover off and everything. But how do I check what voltage its at? I put a DMM on the outside of the rca plug and it stayd at 0. Put the prongs on the inside and the numbers went crazy! What am I doing wrong? Do I have to have the LD installd and the rca's hookd up before adjusting the voltage?

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2V was sufficient, why did you think you needed more?

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2V was sufficient, why did you think you needed more?

x2, dont need more than that since an amp wont see that 5 volts your trying to send it anyway. Using this will usually cause speakers to be damaged, not really needed IMO.

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2V was sufficient, why did you think you needed more?

Idk. It just sound'd like itd help. My amp can take up to 8v so I figured 4v to 6v couldnt hurt? Gotta basically have my deck at 50-55/60. No advice on checking the voltage anyway?

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2V was sufficient, why did you think you needed more?

Idk. It just sound'd like itd help. My amp can take up to 8v so I figured 4v to 6v couldnt hurt? Gotta basically have my deck at 50-55/60. No advice on checking the voltage anyway?

Just because your amp can handle it doesn't mean you should do it. Eclipse head units had 6-8 volt preouts, it's really not needed now. When setting your gain don't do it at 50-55/60 either. That's much too high. Set it at about 45/60.

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2V was sufficient, why did you think you needed more?

Idk. It just sound'd like itd help. My amp can take up to 8v so I figured 4v to 6v couldnt hurt? Gotta basically have my deck at 50-55/60. No advice on checking the voltage anyway?

Just because your amp can handle it doesn't mean you should do it. Eclipse head units had 6-8 volt preouts, it's really not needed now. When setting your gain don't do it at 50-55/60 either. That's much too high. Set it at about 45/60.

My bad, I was talking about my volume being at 50-55/60. The gain on my amp right now is at 34.9volts (a little less than half) Subsonic and LPF are set correctly and bass boost is all the way down. And its not like it sounds bad, Especially for having a stock front stage. But the thing just said it helps "clarify" bass. Helps get rid of some distortion, Cleaner signal? Shit like that. Im not expectn a night and day difference, But if it can benefit my system in any way than I think itll be worth it. Im just trying to find out how to see what voltage its putn out. Ill install it and if Im not happy Ill toss the thing

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