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BTL and Q specific questions

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These questions may have been answered before but a quick search did not turn up the obvious answers. I have 2 completely separate and very specific applications I'm looking at for 12" drivers (neither of which involve being inside a vehicle BTW) and I need a little bit more information to help in the decision making process.

What is the motor OD on the Q series and the BTL (11.5" I think?)

What is the overall depth of the 12" version of the Q and BTL? Also what is the motor only depth of both from the back of the frame?

What is the generic xmech of both series? It's nearly the same I assume as baskets, vc od and suspensions are very similar. I figure about 35-36mm inward and that both are suspension limited (spider) soft bottom designs? The former will not contact the backplate without breaking something in the suspension first correct?

How bad is the inductance roll off of the Q and BTL series with the aluminum shorting rings in place? Is there a hump in the 50-70hz range and if so how large in magnitude? Is there any information regarding the inductance of either of these drives that could be shared? A Klippel type LEx type measurement maybe? I'm interested in the possible roll off from 50hz into the 100-120hz range specifically.

Also there has been a recomendation against using the BTL in a sealed enclosure application due to the high BL low Q design and the general SPL oriented design. There are however some very good sealed enclosure drivers that have moderate to high BL and low Q so that by itself is not a deal killer. Can the BTL be used in an application that does require accuracy of reproduction albeit at very loud and sometimes sustained levels (again not car audio)?


Edited by Ricci

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