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2000 Dodge Dakota 4 door

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I have a 2000 dodge dakota 4 door and i plan on making a ported box to take the place of my smaller seat in the back.

I am hooking up 2 fi ssds on a memphis mcd1500 watt amp at 2 ohms.

If anyone has a dakota which is the best box set up to go with.

Im not sure if i should do subs up port up, or subs up ports off to the side or what. The box will be facing forward so the longest part will be facing from back to front. so i pretty much will do subs up forsure just not sure what to do with ports.

any dakota owners have any help to give?

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Just thought I'd chime in here for anyone reading; He's looking for the optimal orientation of the sub and ports for this particular vehicle. We've come up with a ported enclosure design: 2.4cuft net, 2.85cuft after subwoofer, port and bracing displacements, 14"H x 17"W x 27" long with two 3" ports 12 1/4" long tuning to 32hz, design given using 3/4" MDF with a single baffle.

If anyone with experience with these trucks has an idea as to the optimum orientation of the sub and ports, or a more optimal design for the enclosure for this vehicle, it will get him going on his rebuild.

Edited by Alton

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i know in sealed in my ranger the box subs forward sound better then up . but when you go ported you got to make sure your not going to push the seat up againt the port blocking it. this is why i always go port up subs up in my truck. so i will bump it to help ya out.

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