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sundown z15 box

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ok so im ordering a z15 hopefully tomorrow if my dam taxes show up and i would like to have the box built and bolted in my car b4 the sub arrives.

now my question is should i go sealed or ported to move a ton of air and have alot of feel to it? btw its going in the backseat of a 76 caprice. and the next thing how can i get box dimension? sealed wouldnt be hard to figuer out but if i should go ported ill need some assistance. recomended sealed is 2.5 cubed and ported is 3.5 cubed tuned to 30 hz.

thanx in advance for any help

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Curious, why put it in the backseat and not the trunk? Isnt the 76 caprice a boat?

Sounds like you want a ported box to me. There are people on here that design boxes. Some free some for a small charge. Look around.

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i did have 2 treo te 15's in a massive ported box in the trunk for a while but the trunk is nowhere near sealed off. its rusted through pretty good in the trunk and the seal is so old it doesnt attempt to seal. and the trunk lid rattles so loud it just got annoying and i dont have the money to dump into fixing and deadining the trunk. and right before i sold the treo's i stuck them in the back seat and it was an unbelievable difference and plus i dont need or really want a back seat cause people are always wanting rides and only coughing up a couple bucks for gas which in a v8 doesnt cut it .so that way it sounds better, i dont have to have to be a prick about givin people rides, and ill still have the huge trunk for storage...

and sumone is already on top of the box design and it is much appreciated

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where do live should be able to sell a 76 caprice easy in the south anyway cuz everybody wants a donk.71-76 impala, caprice, hard top, drop top dosent matter people want em

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Yea my car would be really easy to sell but the shape its in right now i wouldnt get much for it. but a paint job and some upholstery work on the backseat and i could get enough to buy a hatch or small suv worth buying. hell i only paid 300 for the car and havent had a problem out of it its all original just paint and interior definately show its age......

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