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Curiosity, to wiring things in parelell or a series

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So I used to have my quad stereo speaker setup for my home wired in parallel and then I was re-doing things and I always noticed it lacked any bass, so I thought it was maybe because i was creating a 12-ohm setup for my 8 ohm stereo. So I rewired it so I would be creating a 6-ohm setup which did improve my bass response. But when I did this my rear speakers got about 3-5db quieter which is good to me because they have a higher sensitivity so they tended to drown out the front anyways. But I am wondering why would my front speakers being wired in the beginning of the series setup be louder now? And if this is how it works wouldn't wiring a dual voice coil in a series cause some problems in even power distribution among the two coils?? Please don't bash me, its late and I was just brainstorming.

Edited by Small Town Audiophile

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The individual coils are still the same impedance each, so they'll still see the same power relative to one another.

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but what I am asking is does the the electricity running threw the first coil weaken the amount of electricity that makes it to the second coil? Because after I re-wired them into a series, the speakers at the end of the series where quieter than the ones at the beginning of the series? But when I had them in parallel they seamed to be getting the same amount of power.

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There should be no discernible difference.

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How do you have two speakers that create a 12 ohm load in series but 6 ohm in parallel? Can't happen if they're SVCs.

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two speakers on the same channel, its a quad stereo setup. 4 speakers on a 2 channel stereo. And thanks denim.

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i just now wonder why there was a noticeable difference with these speakers. hmmm.

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Because you did something that you didn't think you did, but that would be impossible for us to tell what you did from the description you gave.

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two speakers on the same channel, its a quad stereo setup. 4 speakers on a 2 channel stereo. And thanks denim.

That still doesn't make sense. If you have two 6 ohm speakers, in series they would be the 12 ohms you described before. But if you wired them in parallel they'd be 3 ohms. Even if you had speakers with different impedances, something like one 10 ohm speaker and a 2 ohm speaker in series would give you 12 ohms, but in parallel they'd be 1.66 ohms. So perhaps the answer to your question lies in the actual power each speaker is receiving, which is dependent on their impedance.

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8ohm and 4ohm in parallel is 2.67ohm, not 6ohm.

If the two speakers are different impedances they will receive different amounts of power, respective to their impedance. The 8ohm speaker will receive half the power of the 4ohm speaker in either configuration (series or parallel).

My initial guess with extremely limited info would be that the front speakers are 4ohm and the rear speakers are 8ohm; so when they were wired in series the overall power level was less so the speakers were both quieter and as a result the difference in respective output appeared greater than when the speakers were wired in parallel.

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the front are 8-ohm and the back are 4-ohm and the back ones are the ones that got quieter.

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Would have been REALLY helpful to share that info in the first post...

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i thought I did but i must of forgot to. Me and my bad memory.

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ALL your threads are like that. Take your time, re-read it at least 3x and make sure the title and everything in it makes sense before hitting send.

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