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Do I have enough room for 4 15Z

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Ok I sold my 18btl an looking to get 4 15Z do i have enough room to run them I have 38x38x26 to work with if so can someone help me with a box design will be ordering the subs if I have enough room by next Friday thanks for time.

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That's about 18.9 cubes gross. After factoring in an average port with area of 180 sq. inches and tuned to 35 hz as well as sub displacement, you are left with about 17 cubes. That's enough. What do you want to tune to?

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Well, just taking the averages of the Sundown recommendations for those subs gives 3 cubes per sub @ 32 hz.

You'd have to stack the subs 2 x 2 obviously for this build. That'll leave you with about 6-8" in width for the port. You could make a box 38"h x 38"w x 22.5"d. The slot port could be 36.5" tall x 5" wide and 28.75" long (will have to be an L-shaped port, turning across the back wall).

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I only have 38Lx38Wx26D guess I should have put it that way in the 1st place sry for confusion. But the same measurements should still work tho right

Edited by bamatahoe

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I don't know what you mean. You give a length and width and depth, no height.

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Oh. so I take it you're upfiring the subs?

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