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Nathan@XSPower IS Great Customer service

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I want to start out by thanking Nathan again for his great customer service!!! Nathan is a VERY friendly and helpful guy. I know it never gets old hearing a "job well done" So here I am Telling everyone what a GREAT job Nathan did.

Here is my experience:

I read a ton of forums and everyone just tells you to buy the biggest, baddest battery thats out there.(the D3100 if you where wondering)

I Wanted a Second battery in my trunk for a good spot to connect all the runs of wire to and wanted a matching technology battery under the hood. Not nessasarily the same model but same tech. I was under the impression you wanted the bigger battery in the trunk and was still lost to what i should buy for my application? I didn't want to waste alot of money on batterys I didn't need.

I called Nathan on the phone (like we did before the internet) and like I said he is a VERY helpful guy! He took the time to listen to my needs and gave me a few differant options as to what I could do and even gave me totals for cost over the phone.

My needs are I have a 1999 Honda Accord 2.3L and plan on running about 3000-3500 RMS. I DO NOT compete, and I only listen at full tilt on the highway about 20 min. at a time. I still only have the stock alt. but like I said I don't tax the batterys at idle.

Nathan Told me I could do the 5100 under the hood as thats the factory replacement size. Since I already Had a group34 redtop fit under the hood he told me I could use the 3400 for a little extra power. He then told me I could use the 975 in the trunk or the 1200 if I wanted a little extra power. I immediately asked why not the bigger battery in the trunk near the amps? He said this is not nessessary. He then told me what both sets of batterys would cost. as soon I hung up the phone I wondered what the diff between the S3400 and D3400 ? I called Nathan back and he was VERY friendly again and explained that they are the same battery.

I went with the D3400 under the hood as my starting battery and the D1200 in the trunk. I love a little extra powersmile.gif and didn't break the bankbiggrin.gif ! I am very happy with my batterys and the GREAT customer service!!! Thanks again Nathan.

maybe someone can pin Nathans contact info and this topic for others to leave thier experiences.

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Yes Nathan is very helpful over emails and on the forum, keep up the good work and excellent products.

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Thanks guys!!! Now I just need to cut and paste this on a email for my boss...........lol

I just try to offer customer service to people the way I expect to get it when I am purchasing something. I dont want to spend extra $$$ for something that I really dont need, but I dont care to spend a little extra $$$ if it is going to help in the long run. I will be the first to tell you that I do not have all the answers, but if I dont know the answer I have plenty of professional competitors here on staff to help me figure it out.

Its not just me, but everyone here at XS Power knows that with out our customers we would not be in business today. There are way to many companies that look at people as Order Numbers and not customers, and we do not believe in that.

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Good business ethics and morals are what Im after when looking to make purchases, so keeps this up and you will always have business when it comes to batteries for any of my cars.

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Only thing that's kept me from buying is the price, but i might end up just buying anyway to get quality batts. :)

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Only thing that's kept me from buying is the price, but i might end up just buying anyway to get quality batts. smile.gif

Well worth the money. You get what you pay for.wink.gif

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