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How much power do I dare put in an FI 15BTL?

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I have two FI 15 BTL's installed (wired at 1 ohm) and am running a Hifonic BXI 26100 for each sub.

The box is a tad smaller the 4.4 ft3 per sub.

How much more power do I dare run through the FI's??



Edited by Hanapi

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How do they handle the power they are receiving now, it depends on your listening habits but I wouldnt go no more than 3000watts (just me but it depends on how well you know subwoofers when they are in times of stress).

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How do they handle the power they are receiving now, it depends on your listening habits but I wouldnt go no more than 3000watts (just me but it depends on how well you know subwoofers when they are in times of stress).

Hey Jay-cee,

Well that's just it. with the new box I can drive them all he way without clipping too bad. Now I want to add more power. (as soon as the second Iraggi alt is in there)

Hey did you get the pics I sent??

Edited by Hanapi

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Yeah I got the pictures, I repied to the email that you sent me. Well since you arent giving them all of what those Hifonics have in them I would suggest waiting till after you installed your electrical to give them a better voltage to power those subwoofers with. I dont have experience with those subs but I wouldnt go over 3000watts just to be on the safe side, if you want to go more then fine but all that depends on a lot of things.

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Oh shit...I'm afraid to ask ...depends on what?..lol

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If they are reaching their mechanical limit, thermal limit in the box. What your listening levels are that you listen to them and for how long. If your sending only unclipped, clean power to them and so on.

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Oh ok......

this will only be to compete or to brag. The way it is now it is pretty darn loud and I do not listen to it at those levels.

I thought my mail did not go out so I sent you the email with the pics in it again..sorry.. :blush:

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Im throwing 2600 to my 15 BL all day everyday. I mash on it pretty hard and with headroom to spare for more power IMO. I think you can throw more then 3K in your position.

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As mentioned above... it depends on a great many things. The more clean power the better up until a thermal or mechanical limit. 2600W of clipped boosted signal will make things more mad than 3200W of clean signal (and for all the naysayers I have plenty of measurements to prove it using our laser measurement, accelerometers, volt, current, and thermal measurements trying to find solid data in testing our drivers and new technologies).

If you have plenty of voltage and current for the amps, no bass boost on the headunit or amp, a properly designed enclosure with respect to sizing, and tuning, the subsonic filter set up correct, gains correct with respect to headunit voltage, testing on an oscilloscope for clean signal at each step of the chain, then you can probably put more than our normal recommendations to it. But, this is seemingly not the norm and why we stick to our standard ratings.



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4kw Of Clean Power Daily Is What I've Been Feeding Mine, There's Alot Of Factors In Play When You Do This, One Of Them Is User Ignorance And Neglect. I Won't Recommend You Do This, But You Can If You're Smart About It. You're Maybe Getting 2200-2400 Watts RMS Out Of Those Hifonics Amps, That's On A Stout Electrical System. As Long As You Play It Safe You Can Run However Much You Want, But There Won't Be Much Difference Unless You're A Meter Jockey. 2.5kw-3kw Is Plenty.

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4kw Of Clean Power Daily Is What I've Been Feeding Mine, There's Alot Of Factors In Play When You Do This, One Of Them Is User Ignorance And Neglect. I Won't Recommend You Do This, But You Can If You're Smart About It. You're Maybe Getting 2200-2400 Watts RMS Out Of Those Hifonics Amps, That's On A Stout Electrical System. As Long As You Play It Safe You Can Run However Much You Want, But There Won't Be Much Difference Unless You're A Meter Jockey. 2.5kw-3kw Is Plenty.

Sorry i know it is way off topic, but why did you cap every first letter??

To the OP yes many different factors come in to play. unless you can test the subs with the above mentioned items for a true test, it will depend on what your ear can hear on the subs really. Unless you are willing and able(financially) to just add more till it breaks, then start over again. But that really isnt the most logical thing to do. Staying near the rated amount is a pretty safe bet, or even slightly more with a clean signal and some discretion.

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This is great advise.

Since I rebuilt the box, lots of things changed. I can really drive the subs now.

My elecrical system is being upgraded with the addition of a second Iraggi 260Amp Alt.

The big 3 has been done since the beginning. After the second alt addition, I am adding two more Batcap 4000's that I have.

I guess I'll let the voltage tell me what I can do because placing a 3rd alt in an E-350 v-8 PSD van is almost impossible. there simply is no room..



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