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15" xcon in a temporary infinite baffle setup.

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Here is the ssa 15" xcon in a infinite baffle setup, it is a temporary setup so it doesn't look nice, this was to just see how it would do in infinite baffle, to just let you know it is only getting roughly 200-250watts of power.

Oh, and by the way, this inst the guy who actually uses this account, im the friend hes next door looking for mdf.

video 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtWSgJyrHDU

video 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOTSggsL7SU

video 3 - Outside - were outside the house in this one.. not that interesting. and im the one talking, not the owner of this account. he told me to post em up here while he was outside.

so again, this is just something we did in about 20 min with a roll of duct tape, a cardboard box, and a door. and this is NOT the owner of this account again, im just posting this while hes away.

Edited by SSaudio

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I check they don't work, i'll have them fixed in ten minutes.

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they work now - replies are very welcome :)

Edited by Small Town Audiophile

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I sealed it up a little better after the video, for 200 watts this thing pounds, you can hear it a block away, and it makes the stuff on the porch 20 feet away bounce. plus when i play bass i love you by bassotronics, it just pounds it so much harder than it did in the ported enclosure tuned to 32hz at 3.6 cubic feet. with the same watts. I wish I could give it 500 watts to see how it does in here.

Edited by Small Town Audiophile

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it just pounds it so much harder than it did in the ported enclosure tuned to 32hz at 3.6 cubic feet. with the same watts. I wish I could give it 500 watts to see how it does in here.

Your enclosure was NOWHERE fucking near that size then. No way, no how. Not possible unless you severely screwed up the install in the box SEVERELY.


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the enclosure was professionally built, it pounded hard in there like no tomorrow, I am talking about 10hz-20hz frequency's it sound better in door, but the enclosure sounded great for 20-80hz

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And I suppose you have CD's that play 10Hz, LOL

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That is not infinite baffle, that is called mentally restricted free air. It's not a "good' sound, and if you're pleased with the way it sounds in that setup I'm afraid you wasted a lot of money on a subwoofer that can really do a lot more. Listen to the advice being given and take that damn thing down and put it back in the professional box(in house) and use it off that 200W and see how you like it.

Also the amount of power going to the sub has nothing to do with the way it's performing like the genius in the video said. If you had a proper IB setup 200W would be more than enough for just about any speaker.

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Its setup about the same way that all the how-to sites tell you to, and like i said this is temporary like 2 days temporary, i was bored, if you seriously think this was permanent your very un-observant. since i stated temporary, and i sold my enclosure, so I have no box and no way to make a box. and its not the fact its only 200watts its the fact its underpowered. my power supply is only 25 amps which cant power the amp fully. and i downloaded songs with 10hz in it.

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and i downloaded songs with 10hz in it.

the enclosure was professionally built, it pounded hard in there like no tomorrow, I am talking about 10hz-20hz frequency's it sound better in door, but the enclosure sounded great for 20-80hz

Oh really. And you used your ears to tell you this?

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Yes, ive run many test sounds. I know my info may not be exact but under the circumstances, and the fact i was just doing this for the fun of it, to just pass by some time. Its something to do in this boring town while I wait for my new enclosure.

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Yes, ive run many test sounds. I know my info may not be exact but under the circumstances, and the fact i was just doing this for the fun of it, to just pass by some time. Its something to do in this boring town while I wait for my new enclosure.

Stop being full of shit. :(

There is no way, no how, not physically possible for ANY human to hear 10Hz. Can't believe anything you state at all about the setup. :( :( :(

Really basic understanding of how the ear works will have you going :Doh:

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um you can hear it, you can hear below 20hz if you are hitting volumes of above 120db, look it up, if you wanna see true loudness, google the rotary subwoofer, that thing can flex garage doors. and I have sonys best headphones that can hit down to 5hz and i have heard 5hz before, it is really quiet but it was there. and i have great hearing, I have been in sound test before, and I could hear up to 28,000hz, that was a few years ago though, idn if i can hear that anymore after all my loud music.

Edited by Small Town Audiophile

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can you guys just please, help me out and let me have my fun, i know what I am doing may not be the best thing to do, but just judge without getting the whole story, plus I am not a genius. i am here to learn.

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if you'd listen, we're all trying to help you but you swear you already know better.

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I did state once i knew a little bit about infinite baffle, but I am not a pro, this is a first time setup and it was for just a 2 day demonstration and test run, to see how it would sound. I just get bored and I like to experiment, I like to try cool, or expensive setups for little to no cost when I get bored. And even if I didn't set this up right some songs sound awesome on here. and you can't really hear the 10hz on here but you sure can feel it, the whole house shakes.

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I am sorry for anyone that i have bothered with this, i just was looking for some laughs and some conversation, if you wan't me to change anything, do please tell me, it is ok if you are blunt about it just as long as it is informative.

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Lets not resort to personal attacks here people. We better than CA.com. All offending posts have been removed.

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I am sorry for anyone that i have bothered with this, i just was looking for some laughs and some conversation, if you wan't me to change anything, do please tell me, it is ok if you are blunt about it just as long as it is informative.

You've got a very strange sense of humor. I would laugh if I see a guy bail out your car because of the system being too loud(installed properly maybe).

But that is just disgrace... That woofer deserves more than played in a "door sealed with cardboard and ducktape... :suicide-santa:

Maybe this looks funny to you, but for us audiophiles... we love your subs and amps. We spend hours and hours a day trying to "take care" of them so they will take care of us when we turn the volume up.

If you are so bored, why don't your try make a real box? I don't know about you, but with 300$ I can build myself like 2 or 3 boxes.

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If you can buy an Xcon you can save up and buy a drill (or borrow one), lowe's or Home Depot can make all the cuts for you except the sub hole which once again you'll need to beg borrow or steal a jigsaw (both very common tools)

What you're doing is the equivalent of someone running 80 octane gas through a 500hp turbo engine going look how funny that knock retard is, or since you're interested in computers it's like someone building a gaming system but not actually attaching the motherboard to the case, then bitching when the thing shorts out because he didn't have the proper $20 tool to finish the install on his $1k computer.

You don't pay a toothless hooker for a handjob, if you run track you wear the right god damn shoes, if you're muslim you don't pray to mecca on a trash bag....if you do something you do it right and take some pride in what you do and people will give you respect because you've earned it. But, if you're a typical kid who wants to throw away his money and then not give his product any respect then he can't expect respect from someone else. How happy would you have been with your Xcon if the people that built it took as much pride in their work as you do?

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I want a box built by the pros on here, but its gonna be awhile since they got there jobs and stuff to do.

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