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Enclosure Help

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Am trying to calculate the exact cu.ft for a wedge enclosure. I tried a few different sites and got anywhere from 5.8 - 6.0 cu.ft. Since I needed the exact size I worked it out by hand myself. Here are my dimensions and what i got. Can anyone double check this for me please?

Wedge Design

Outside Dimensions

Height = 22"

Depth 1 = 10"

Depth 2 = 20"

Width = 39"

Formulas used:




0.5 (B X H X W)

Since the design is basicly a rectangle and a triangle combination, thats how i calculated it.

I got 4.12 cu.ft for the rectangle and 2.06 cu.ft for the triangle with a gross volume of 6.18 cu.ft.

I also took into account that the 1.5" (0.75" + 0.75") thickness of wood that "attach" the triangle to the retangle along the length was removed and added volume to the enclosure.

Does this sound right? Thanks

Edited by wof131s

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To make it easier, just use the average depth of 15". Then you essentially have a 39" x 22" x 15" box, aka 6.0 cubes.

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Never thought about it like that. Thanks a lot dude.santa.gif

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