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evils of 9/11

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very weird. iv looked in to the sercet skull & bones thing. also very weird.

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No, very old and very discredited.

People with time & resource preying on those that do not take the time to research.


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^^so what r u saying.

You dont believe it?

not scrutinizing just asking, and if so why not?

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its just a conspiracy theory, it's not hard to get people to believe what you want them to

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1.) Want Expliations? Talk To Someone Who Knows A Little Chemistry...

Not just someone who can look up the melting point of an alloy (which what htey said is partiall incorrect, the melting point of an allow can be changed simply by chanign the ammount of each metal/substance in the alloy)

Want to know how pressure is incresed? Jee...maybe heat in a confined area. it isnt that hard to figure out...heat up a can of spray paint...see how long it takes it to explode...

BESIDES THAT you dont have to liquify steel to make it extremely soft...you can get steel hot enough to hit it with a hammer and it would feel no different than hitting cold solder with a hammer...very mushy and malable...you think the world trade ceneter would have stood in the first place if the steel was as malable as common electonics solder? NO

And the floors and walls are so thick THEY CAN CONTAIN PRESSURE raising the posible burning temperature.

But there is also something called the LIMITING REACTANT. that much jet fule is WAY more than the air could provide in the immediate spot of impact. So now you have jet jetfule and malable steel andno oxygen in the immediate area.

Floor colapses, this new burst of oxygen causes and EXPLOSION. very similar to when a firefightor brakes and unbroken window in a burning house, the new burst of oxugen causes a flash wave of heat and expansion...aka and explosion shooting out laterally JUST LIKE SHOWN IN THE VIDEO.

Now i am no chemistry expert, hell im only in HS, but this video was created not to ask questions, but to increase the anti bushism, antiwarism in america though some chit spewed all over the internet.

Its all one big conspiracy, thought up by some liberal morons surfing the web. it was created on the internet and will die on the internet.

do you seriously think someone would make such a great conspiracy just to gain oil...you want oil ALLOW OIL COMPANYS TO DRILL OFF OF FLORIDA AND IN ALASKA....

i like how they take one of the good names in conservative talk shows and take what he says WAY out of context...just like that video where they take what bush says and make it a speach out of context to make it sound like he was giving a public sheec habout hating america.

Skull and Crossbones is some WEIRD chit. but it has been around forever, so you are saying this was a conspiracy from 100 years ago. maybe john kerry was ment to loose and is in it with bush, maybe seddam is really sitting off the coase of Freeport in the bahamas in his 100ft yaht with castro and hitler in a wheelchair with oxygen. Maybe Stalin is still alive. MAYBE IT WAS KANGAROOS THAT GOT US TO THE MOON....or maybe not.

the video made some good points but was largely biast agiasnt the war...if you are agianst hte war you are for seddam being in power, you are for the suppresion in the iraqi people, you are for the daily enialation of jews in the middle east...you cant have it both ways...

ok i am done for now...

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I could care less about the chemistry of it all, no 2 buildings are gonna fall like that, without some help. I mean people where standing in the windows so the fire wasnt that bad and the fireman said it was 2 Isolated fires, so your saying 2 isolated fires made a building fall like that ..I DOUBT it, i'm no bush fan, so yes this adds fuel to the fire if you will..

Basiclly he is doin what Daddy wasnt able to.

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A rehash of the same of shyt, and I don't mean this video, I mean the typical crap that has happened every single time we get a new Turd Sandwhich or Giant Dusch in the White House. They are all corrupt and in the end after all the right wing whack jobs have stopped whining about commy liberals and after all the liberals (and I am one and proud of it so phuck off) have stopped whining about the Turd Sandwhich what is gonna change? Nothing! So STFU and vote your mind!!!!

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you dont care about chemistry or physics yet you want to take a lash out at someone with out the facts? you want to call someone out to the point that you are accuseing them of conspiraing agianst their own contry, killing thousands, excetera simply for a small lucritive gain of a few oil resources which we arent even seeing? we are still paying as much for a barel of oil as the rest of the world. YOU WANT WANT TO LOOK AT THE FACTS?

let me isolate the back of one of your legs with my baseball bat...see how well you stand. and yo uwant nessicarily fall to the side which i hit you...you will probably fall where you stand. because i will hit your right where you knee bends, making your leg soft....you go figure the rest...

but incase you cant, this causes all of the load to go to your other leg instantly, which causes its colapse...making you fall striaght down...

Well i am through with this thread after this post, i have nothing more to say, it was started by someone who obviously doesnt have the sence to want to understand why or how something happens, just wants to see things the way they see it. Isolated fire can mean multible things... there is only a fire where there is oxygen...and there was only a few places for oxygen to enter. people in the windows? where? not directly on the floors of impace ot floors close to them. people below where headed down and people above where panicing, heading up, and calling their loved ones...

This is no more then what the press and every left is trying to do. Make accusations with out facts.

I saw a bumper sticker today on a truck.

"I am Pround to be:

White, Straight, Southern, Conservative, Republican, And All Other Things I Am"

Then Beside it a no sign over PC standing for political correctness...one bumpersticker i would put on my truck...

As for Psyco72... The Video says to think logically, logically is defined as being with accordance with logic, formerly true or valid.

Logicaly doesnt mean spewing off insults to something which is beaing carried out which was incompleted by clinton...not what Bush 1 couldnt do.

Logicaly is taking facts, proven by scientists, physicists, and chemists and applying them to how things happen.

your thinking is theologically, which is theory, taking what you see and putting a "geusstemate" to it. instead of analying things.

The video's message contadicts what it physicaly says.

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