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Hey all, I have a question about routing power in the car for mobile video...

I have 6 items that need to be powered on the roof: 3 15" flip-down monitors, 2 sun visor monitors, and a video signal booster. Each piece of equipment has #18 gauge power/ground leads and they are fused with very thin glass fuses, so I'm assuming they draw very little amperage (none of the equipment lists actual numbers and Google searches proved useless) so I'm assuming total load I'm looking at under 15 amps or so. I have some spare 9ga wire I could run from the battery up to the headliner for power (it might be overkill but the next smallest wire I have is 18ga and I'm trying to work with what I already have available...)

Once I get the 12v lead run from the battery up to the headliner, I'm not sure what the best way to distribute the power would be... I've thought of everything from installing a mini-fuse box (might not fit up in the headliner where I need it, plus cost issue) to an inline fuse holder (9ga in, 6 x 18ga wires out) and for a minute I even considered the half-ass way but I'd rather not do that (cut the 9ga insulation 6 times and just wrap a wire around each slice to tap power.. lol not very professional or safe)

So, my main question is, what would be the best way to distribute the power to each of these devices? Thanks!

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Run the 9 gauge to a distribution block, then have six smaller outputs. You don't want to be half-assing it and just butt-connecting power wires together with one input and a couple outputs.

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Indeed, a distro block. I would assume each item needs to be fused as well.

However many you need of these screwed to a little board would be fine. If you really search you could probably find a whole block of them already together.


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Run a distro block before you get to the headliner. They are not that big and should fit behind the b pillar or you could mount it under the seat. :drink40:

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i added a fuse box in my glove box for all my video needs...

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Thanks for the input guys, I ended up making a sort of custom harness with the nine gauge wire:



Hope it works OK. All the devices are individually fused and I'm going to fuse the wire as well.

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That looks like a major fire hazard...

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Why would it be a fire hazard it's heat-shrunk and taped for good measure.

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