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What does " Awaiting Fulfillment" mean in the order status page? and what other status's are there and what do they mean?

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i think it means that UPS has received all shipping info.

and now theyre just waiting for the package from the manufacturer so they can get it to you.

Edited by mbarber25

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Means that you must wait for your sub!

Like me! ;)

At least you know it has been built already. :)

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What does " Awaiting Fulfillment" mean in the order status page? and what other status's are there and what do they mean?

It means you order is waiting to get fulfilled (the process or business of handling and executing customer orders, as packing, shipping, or processing checks) and once it is then it will be shipped and so on.

There is processed, shipping and order completed/received (I cant remember if there are any more).

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Well I don't think it has been built already, unless they had some extras, because it showed that message the same night I ordered it.

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Well I don't think it has been built already, unless they had some extras, because it showed that message the same night I ordered it.

It means that they are waiting on your money to be processed, the sub to get built and then ready to ship (means a lot of things, whatever process they do before the sub is shipped is what awaiting fulfillment means).

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Oh! Sorry!

I will get my Xcon before you ;), as I already have my UPS tracking number!

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Thank you for that order. You ordered on a Saturday, I am usually around the computer during the day Saturday, but was out of town all day yesterday. Your order will be processed later tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. :)

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Plan on 2 weeks wait minimum, which is par for the course with the smaller woofer builders on line.

SSA does not have 100's or 1000's of these built/boxed/ready to go like XYZ woofer company, but the wait will be well worth it in the end.

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mine was done just as they said it would.. 2 weeks to the day... it was well worth the wait.... you will be Happy when you hear it !!!! :woot:

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