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So, like, I had this goal set.... then pow.... things has been crazy, but i am back for a minute now.

lets see,

* IAK Christmas party..... failed, gotta get at least one quick meet in before Feb. so we can organize fo Carl Casper.

* Purchase of two batteries for truck, one under hood and one in cab.....both on hold ...ftl

* replacement hu for the replacement hu i was currently using, well it was stolen and the one i have, it burnt out!

* no work forever, then 63 hours in 5 days, 21 straight one day, wow < why am i tired?

* stomach virus...... well hell yeah let me get some of that.... puked and puked until i seen my testical come out of my mouth!

* oh, stomach virus...... hey spread the wealth, whole family passed it around, 5 days of 7 people shitting and puking in 1600 sqft. house..... that spells happy holidays.

* low funds and extended hours created a need for cash, pawned my sub....FTL.

* cordless drill found at bottom of the stairs DOA...... now that sucked like very bad, i liked that dam thing.... it was cracked ever so neatly, completly in half, just the little electrical guts holding it together.

* had to witness a story of a certain co-worker that shit himself while riding in another co-worker's truck............. now that is ackward.

---- i asked the "driver" what did you say? lol of coarse, and he looked at me and said " Chop! when a 6'-4" , 375 lb. man shits himself , what are you suppose to say????" he went on to add,

" i said nothing, I looked straight ahead and drove him back to the gas station."

i know, i know......TMI !!!

so that in short is what i had going on.....

i think if all goes well i can fix most of this by the following weekend.

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Man. That's crazy. Whoa. :peepwall:

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wow, i have a update for this, like really, wtf!

okay so i do some snow removal and salt application on the side, currently laid off, (well since aug. ,but who's counting), Ironwork just is dead right now.

any way, i rely on my ol' dakota to cover the basics, the snow removal is sidewalks, good ol' hand shovel.

so, like snow shovels, salt spreaders, ice melt, and lots of coffee. off to work we go.

well not monday morning. received a late call out, 4:50 am, and we usually do like 1 or 2 am, so it was a hurry up and get there thing.

fired up the dakota, went inside, came back out........... still solid ice on window.....no heat!

went back in, thinking oh shit, here we go. went back out in a few, definetly no heat and steam shooting out of radiator!

so after a long look, the radiator is busted open and the heater core is a no go, dead.

so called boss man, "sorry no chop today"

uh, so let's see, started looking for some parts and cash to fix this issue, i hate heater cores.

some where throught the day, we were at moms house, don't recall why off hand.

upoun us leavinf out the door, mom said " here take your tuperware bowl with you" so i said to Gina( wifey) " i'll be out in a sec"

here is the shit now.....

so, i get ready to head out the door and Gina is laying face down at the bottom of the stairs , not moving!!!!!!!

"OH SHIT" i ran to her scared shitless, and yelled at her " Gina!, are you okay!?"

she rolled half way over and began to cry, totally unaware of where she was. she had passed out and fell to the concrete.

i helped her up and dusted her off, her knee was bloody and busted up, road rash style, and her finger was swollen and hurt....

i took her to the er, which was packed, like beds in the hall ways packed! they finally got her a room after 4 hours.

they did xrays, the finger was broken....they done several test, to find she is becoming anemic, not enough iron and hemoglobin in her blood to get oxygen to the brain.

so they nursed her knee up some, tapped her fingers, told me go buy a splint, it will be faster. wow.

kept her on a iv for a while and sent us home, 9 hours later....

oh, there is more.......

some how, when she fell, our money, like the rest of our check, all we had, yeah, it fell out of her pocket!

i looked everywhere, i even took some paper and threw it down, to see if it would blow somewhere the same..... idk , seemed like a good idea at the time.

looked and looked, nothing, gone, all of it.

so, for Mondays out look,

* truck shit out two costly parts.

* lost much needed hours from work.

* my best friend (wifey) got seriously hurt.

* spent 9 hours at the er.

* lost almost our whole check.

* due to the events of Monday, repairing the dakota in time for thursdays snow event is off.

not sure how i will wing it, but i gotta be able to work it, might have to strip out the family mini van and trash it,

that will suck. but need the hours more now.

......................... wow, just got a call out.....so , now wtf...

gotta go, stay tuned, lol


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I hope all goes well, it will get better with time Chop.

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Wow, serious run of shitty luck!

Keep your head up, things have to start getting better for you.

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Damn bro, I'm sorry you have had probably some of the worst luck I've ever seen or heard of. I wish I could've helped man. Keep your head up man.

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I hope the luck turns around.

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wow, i had looked back on this and thought, " why the hell did you write this"?, now i see, to vent for one, but to remind myself of how crappy 2010 has went for me.

okay, so Regina's health has been bad for a while. To save alot of writing, her blood pressue medicine is what was causeing alot of the nausia and fainting. the nausia helped bring on the anemia.

however, none of that could stand up to what came next. It is my understanding that a person can live a great deal of their adult life without an allergy, only to become allergic to something all at once.

Regina had another fainting spell and was again rushed to the er last week. there, they went over all the previous test and decided the only thing that they had not done was to do a cat scan, look at her brain.

upoun the completion of this, they informed her she was in perfect health, other than she had a bad sinus infection. odd, because she had no symptoms of one at all. but it was indeed there.

so, they prescribed her a antibotic, here goes the spelling out the window, an antibotic called amoxicillin, now there are alot of these "cillin's" running around, a whole family of blue cheese like mold that helps lots of folks stay healthy.

Regina has taken this lots of times in the past, so no problem.

we thought!

They wrapped up the hospital visit by saying she was but only very slightly anemic and healthy other than that, the sinus infection was likely the source of her ailments.

Fast forward to last monday, heading to our second home, louisville, KY. not really, but we are there alot. three day family vacation on the cheap, just wanted to get a way for a sec.

Regina felt crappy at dinner, as usuall, and we all but ignored her saying so, it has been this way for two months straight, ( the blood pressure medicine's falt) .

litttle did we know that the medicine she was taking for her antibiotic was acting like a poison in her body.

we left early, she ralphed next to the van, said she felt like crap, we laughed, saying " you always do this" joking " you are only getting mcdonalds from now on" , it is expensive to throw that food right back up....any way, tmi, i know. sorry.

we went to the hotel, got dressed into the swim gear and headed to the pool. she still felt bad, which was not so usuall, she should of been okay like always, by this time.

so like 15 minutes later, she was getting out of the hot tub and we was like "your chest is super red, you over done it, " she said she felt like shit, and wanted to go to the room.

so took a shower, climbed into bed, running a high fever, and slept till like 1am, woke up super sick and had the chills real bad, shivering but yet, burning up with fever. she told me that she felt like she could not breath. i turned on the light to get her medicine and she was beet red! real bad bumps coverd her face, arms , back and chest, i called the dam emt's from the hotel. i was freaking out.

they could not take her temp, but samantha's baby themometer read 103.4 ! they said it had to be a allergic reaction to something , take some benadryl and let it flush it out.

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Im glad to hear she is doing better, keep your head up man.

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so we got her back to sleep, giving her a big ol serving of fever reducer and benadryl.

we got up later that morning and her fever was crazy high still, and the rash, was crazy out of control by now.

i left all five of the kids at the hotel room, ( sorry guys, mom is first ) and took her to the er.

they got her checked in and quite quickly diagnosed it as strep throat rash, bka, scarlet fever!

wow, wtf, that is serious shit we thought, never even knew anybody that has had that before!

so they gave her a big ol' booster shot full of penicillin, the big brother of all the "cillin's", aka, the poison that her body was trying to fight off !!!!!!!!

we went to the drug store and bought up a bunch of stuff to help her feel better till the rash went away........

we got back to the hotel that night, around six pm. the kids were stir crazy, and gina said she would try to just stick it out. so i feed them and let them go swimming while she sorta drug along.

we got up the next morning, packed our bags, went to get lunch, stopped at the zoo for like a hour and went to see shizzzon, had to see him and get a demo of that crazy loud setup of his.

went home, with her feeling like crap, and looking bad as well. all the while making sure she took her antibiotics so that she would get better soon, remeber, this was poison to her body .

thursday we made an appointment for her doctor to see her, he set it for friday morning. we fought the fever with all we could, never once getting it to break.

friday morning came andd she was too weak to go any where. so around noon, i talked her into going to the e.r. here in Indy.

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so we got her back to sleep, giving her a big ol serving of fever reducer and benadryl.

we got up later that morning and her fever was crazy high still, and the rash, was crazy out of control by now.

i left all five of the kids at the hotel room, ( sorry guys, mom is first ) and took her to the er.

they got her checked in and quite quickly diagnosed it as strep throat rash, bka, scarlet fever!

wow, wtf, that is serious shit we thought, never even knew anybody that has had that before!

so they gave her a big ol' booster shot full of penicillin, the big brother of all the "cillin's", aka, the poison that her body was trying to fight off !!!!!!!!

we went to the drug store and bought up a bunch of stuff to help her feel better till the rash went away........

we got back to the hotel that night, around six pm. the kids were stir crazy, and gina said she would try to just stick it out. so i feed them and let them go swimming while she sorta drug along.

we got up the next morning, packed our bags, went to get lunch, stopped at the zoo for like a hour and went to see shizzzon, had to see him and get a demo of that crazy loud setup of his.

went home, with her feeling like crap, and looking bad as well. all the while making sure she took her antibiotics so that she would get better soon, remeber, this was poison to her body .

thursday we made an appointment for her doctor to see her, he set it for friday morning. we fought the fever with all we could, never once getting it to break.

friday morning came andd she was too weak to go any where. so around noon, i talked her into going to the e.r. here in Indy.

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by the time we got her dressed and to the er, she was in bad, bad shape, already being early afternoon, she had already consumed two more doses of this crap.

thinking that it would kick in soon!

we attempted to get her registered, they took her blood pressure and pulse, but could not take her temp, cause she ralphed all over the place when they tried.

her bllod pressure had dropped to 72 over 38.... way low! and her heart rate was 159..... super high!

they called into the back that they had a patient that was tacky and rushed into the back. "tacky" > e.r. lingo for heart attack !!!

i was super nervous, i have been in the e.r. a few times my dam self, pretty well messed up. i have never seen them doctors kick it into over drive like that before!!!

i just knew something was bad, only to here them say, " she is going to go quick" ! that was enough to scare the shit out of me......

i did what any man would do...... i went to the bath room like a little scared bitch and called my mommmy, crying and balling my eyes out, regina is all i have!!!

so she calmes me down quickly and i head right back out he door and look into the room.....EMPTY !!!

they had rushed her to the critical care area where all the big monitors were and more room for all the doctors that were looking at her.

i found her and could hardly get into the room, there was five doctors and a crap load of nurses n there.

they took a ton of blod out of her and sent it off..... hooked up iv's and a bunch of heart machines, cramed these big needles into her gut and ass cheek.

crazy scary fellas, let me tell you.

so after a short while they let me know, indeed, there was no way this was scarlet fever, it was a allergic reaction to something, and quickly identified that it was the "cillin" she had been taking.

she stayed in intensive care untill this afternoon, the fever is gone, only spots of her skin are still burnt from the rash and fever, yes burnt! like as in discolored and blistered.!

because the medicine was acting like a poison, it was in her blood, and in her guts, her mouth, esophougus , and intestines have sores from it.....

her blood is low on b12 and iron, so she is anemic quite bad now from it all. she is on meds for all of this, seven prescriptions total.

we are at home now, she is glad to be in her bed and wishes she could eat regular foods, it has to be soft stuff,a chicken nugget could kick her ass right now.

the stress her heart was under, changed her blood pressure, so the medicne that she was on for that is now canceled. so at least the dizzy spells are gone for good.

the wierd part of this is, i have been allergic to penicillin and all of it's by products all my life. now Regina is too.

we have been together since i was 11 years old, perhaps i am rubbing off on her.

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yup, thats right, since i was 11 years old, and we are getting ready to celebrate our 17 wedding anniversary on Feb. 14th. , Valentines Day!

you bet your sweet ass i will be celebrating that i still am with the love of my life!


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Glad to hear she is gettin better!!!!!!!!!!11

Keep your head up man. shit WILL come back full circle.


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