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IA 187 10" opinions?

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So, I recently bought a 98 ford ranger, and the space is ridiculous. Tiniest truck ever, but I love it. Right now, I'm running a old beat up 12" audiobahn, which I hate. I've been looking at subs that will fit, and the audiobahn in the box is slightly pushing it. It has a mounting depth of about 5 1/2", and I know the 187 is around that, so it seems like a good sub while saving space.

Now, I can find reviews on the 12's, and 15's, but has anyone had personal experience with the 10"?

It's either that, or I pick up a pair of tang band 8" subs, or maybe even one of their shallow mount 10's. I've always wanted to test out tangband and incriminator audio alike.

So, my goals are just decent bass, and lows. I've heard that the 15 digs pretty low. I'd probably end up porting to about 32hz. I just want low, loud bass in my tiny truck. I usually listen to rap. Think the 187 will suit me? If not, suggestions are appreciated =)

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What kind of amp will you be using?

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just get the ia 187 or li 12" it will be more then just decent bass there pretty sick for what your goin to spend ......sorry dosnt really answer your question

Edited by steveo50

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Well I cant help you with a 10" exp. But i do own a 15" 187. I have it in a ported box it sounds great, Im very happy with the output for a $120 sub off of 300 watts. It is also an accurate woofer not very sloppy. And well built ive ran more power to it than rated also it handled it well.

I would recommend the ten.

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@Don Ganso, Right now I'm running a rockford fosgate p3001 amp, which is rated 300w at 2ohms and 150 at 4ohms. Think it could work out pretty well?

@crownvic, if you're liking the output of the 15" off 300 watts in a big ass crown vic, I'm sure the 10" in my tiny truck will suit me plenty =p.

@steveo50, looked at getting a lethal injection, but the mounting depth is just too much.

Thanks for the replies guys. I think I'm pretty much set on this. Now time to plan a box. Wish me luck. I'll need it, lol

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Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide to get, also dont forget to make a build log with pictures when you start on the install.

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it's too bad you don't have just a little more mounting depth. The dcon would have been a good option. Anyway my dad has the 187 10" in his truck. He likes it. I was surprised of it's output. I wasn't expecting much from it but i stood corrected. It's hard to give an opinion of it, but I believe you'll be happy with it. It's all subjective though so take it with a grain of salt

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