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Im in a Pinch, Help with Ava18 Enclosure

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I Recently Talked to Chad Kyupers

Drivers Start Shipping a week from today.

While talking to him i mentioned 6cuft@29Hz, he said he had a guy do 4.5 at 30Hz and its output was INSANE with only 800w. :ghost: he said 6@29 with 1200w should wang hard :domoslay::domoslay::domoslay::domoslay:

so im down to 2 enclosure options, both with equal port area (77sqin) only one iwth 2 ports and one with one. originally i though there was going to be no way to get the ports on the same plain as the driver, so i designed a side firing enclosure and the port a straight shot. then i came up with the idea to get the port on the same plain... see image below


the bottom thing is what the front of the enclosrue will look like (though the enclosrue will have a slanted front so i can get that "gangsta lean" on while driving) and the top thing is a cross section of one of the ports bottom being the plain the driver is on. and top being inside the enclsorue.

The other idea was basicaly like a normal ported truckbox for a single cab with a sloted port ;) seee DD's design and it was very similar only it was for a single 18 and super sized for the needed volume.

a rectangular box just isnt an option, i cant evne squeez 5cuft ported from a rectangular enclosure with the needed port area. so slanted is the way to go. and im not sitting uncomfertably, ill go 5cuft sealed before i sit uncomfertably with room for .... ill shut up now :hyper:

my other thing is, i am going ot have some dubasses sitting in my truck, who will in herently move hte seat as far back as possible just because they can as soon as they get in (split bench seats) and befoer i notice i will have the sub turned up and will probably crack the coil from the cone from oneside being held down and the other not. so im working on a template for a fiberglass grille, check the design below....


my only problem is im worried about air flow...it seems like there is too much blockeage...well post your thoughts, i could open up the grille more if i wanted to, it will just take some more deisning on CAD :Doh:

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Personally I think if you're having trouble fitting a 6 cubic foot enclosure that only has 77in^2 of port into your truck you picked the wrong driver... but that's just my opinion.

As far as the grille I'd open it up ALOT....

and please don't say gangsta lean... ever... crakka...

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Personally I think if you're having trouble fitting a 6 cubic foot enclosure that only has 77in^2 of port into your truck you picked the wrong driver...  but that's just my opinion.

As far as the grille I'd open it up ALOT....

and please don't say gangsta lean... ever... crakka...

15 year old, hairy white kid...

Ne ways...you are teh sux0rz @ box designing ;)

Port on same face....NO GRILL...PUSSY. I've had my sub surroung about 2" away with no problems at all...


Use 4" aeroports ;) 4-6 of them ;)


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areo ports are teh suck...and it isnt that i CANT fit this driver its that im squeazing out the space while not going above the window line and me sitting comfertably with only the removal of the jump seats...oh and mounting the amp on one side of the enclsorue restricting my length by an extra 3.5"....

going 2" above the window line, removing the jack and 3rdand 4th door panels an seat belts and mounting my amp on top of the enclosure or below a seat with a slant i could easily get 7-8cubes with 80sqin of port area....

But that takes too much work.

and that is just a quick example i drew up in Quick Cad (the suckier of my 2 cad programs, my other being auto cad which still isnt that great, not everyone can afford an $800 CAD program for their home computer) with out layres or anything and then did a screen shot and croped it so anyone could view it.

BTW...Chad, who knows a hell of alot more about the drivers than you do num nuts ;)

said 6@~30 is where to start with the driver for SQl, and that going larger only opens up the low lows in the mid 20Hz area and lower. and 77sqin is following enclosure rules of thumb which are, for daily, 12-16sqin for ever cuft.

i dont know where you learned arethmatic but 6*12=72... and with a true 1000w signal gay WinISD says i will be around 40 ft/sec port velocity...and since i doubt i will get a true 1000w with impeadance rise and the fact that i will rarely send it that much since ihave RE comps and even with rap i like to hear some of what they are saying...port noise WONT be and issue.

Now...back to my question side firing, my other design, or another idea BESIDES areoports or PVC or any of that chit. Slotted ports ;) ...

BTW...wont be 15 for long... and i lost the chops a while ago from the last pic you saw of me...since ive started working i actually have to shave :(

oh and i already told you why i am going ot have some sort of grille, not to protect punctures...to keep dumbasses form moving the seat all the way back

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