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Inner Heat Sink

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Inner Heat Sink: Its a machined aluminum ring in the gap that lowers the voicecoils inductance (allowing it to play up higher and have a little better overall transient response). It also reduces the volume inside the magnet gap of the motor increasing air speed with the cooling as well as allowing the coil to kick off heat to a more receptive thermal mass rather than magnets. 

I'm looking for a daily speaker. Does adding the IHS which according to the definition, allows to play higher have any effect on the lows?

Is this a recommended option to get with the following other options, Cooling & HiXmCoil?

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Not a distinct difference on the lows. While I do tell people not to order it at times as its an extra expense that may not have a realized benefit for their specific application, no one seems to listen and they order it anyway.

Unless you need a little extra thermal capacity (which the cooling adds significantly than the ring) I wouldnt worry about it. We do have some specific customers that absolutely do need it. A couple of them use them for pro sound applications where they want the drivers to play higher and will take any extra thermal capacity that they can take.



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Not a distinct difference on the lows. While I do tell people not to order it at times as its an extra expense that may not have a realized benefit for their specific application, no one seems to listen and they order it anyway.

Unless you need a little extra thermal capacity (which the cooling adds significantly than the ring) I wouldnt worry about it. We do have some specific customers that absolutely do need it. A couple of them use them for pro sound applications where they want the drivers to play higher and will take any extra thermal capacity that they can take.



Cool, thanks for the honesty.

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