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the mange

full boost knob vs not plugging in boost knob

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So say i set my gain at 50%, if i dont even plug in the remote knob, obviously the amp operates with 50% gain. But if i plug in the remote knob and set the knob to 100%, given the amp's gain setting is still at 50%, will i have identical output? or would i have to reset the amp's gain setting with my dmm?

From what i understand, the amp's gain setting sets the maximum level of gain, and the remote adjusts the percentage of that gain setting you want to use. i.e. you have the amp gain set at 50%, and the knob at 50%, so you'd be using the equivalent of setting the amp's gain at 25% with no boost knob correct?

Edited by the mange

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So say i set my gain at 50%, if i dont even plug in the remote knob, obviously the amp operates with 50% gain. But if i plug in the remote knob and set the knob to 100%, given the amp's gain setting is still at 50%, will i have identical output? or would i have to reset the amp's gain setting with my dmm?

From what i understand, the amp's gain setting sets the maximum level of gain, and the remote adjusts the percentage of that gain setting you want to use. i.e. you have the amp gain set at 50%, and the knob at 50%, so you'd be using the equivalent of setting the amp's gain at 25% with no boost knob correct?

I do believe that is correct. The knob should be set at max when adjusting gain, so that maximum output is acheived at 100% on the knob.

Edit: I was referring to a gain knob

Edited by DeepSubBoy

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Are you talking about the SAZ you plan to get or the amp you have now?

The SAZ is a gain knob and not a boost I believe.

Edit to add that if you are settign gain to half, you are just guessing. Gains are to match voltage between you source unit and amp. Unless you set it to be the same, you have no idea if the amp agrees that half is actually half. YOur half could be clipped to hell by the amps standards.

Edited by Sir-Lancelot

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So say i set my gain at 50%, if i dont even plug in the remote knob, obviously the amp operates with 50% gain. But if i plug in the remote knob and set the knob to 100%, given the amp's gain setting is still at 50%, will i have identical output? or would i have to reset the amp's gain setting with my dmm?

From what i understand, the amp's gain setting sets the maximum level of gain, and the remote adjusts the percentage of that gain setting you want to use. i.e. you have the amp gain set at 50%, and the knob at 50%, so you'd be using the equivalent of setting the amp's gain at 25% with no boost knob correct?

It depends on how the "knob" actually operates. Some of the external "bass knobs" are really just a volume control, so there's no hurt in using it and turning it up to 100%....and when doing so, the gain would not be reset.

Others act like more of a true bass boost control, in which case the gain would need set with the knob turned to the highest position you would use it.

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