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Running SAZ amps at 1 ohm dcr

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I am a member on some other forums, one of which likes to preach pure ESSQUE. One of the topics I have seen that rears its head is, at 1 ohm dcr loads the overall sound quality suffers. So if I understand correctly the distortion goes way up, woofer control is lost etc...

So if a Sundown amp is run at 1 ohm dcr and is not driven to clipping but within its normal parameters of use, say 1/3 power has there been anything noticed within the SQ parameters as far as audible distortion, less woofer control? Or can I say that Sundown is designed for this specific use?

I get PM's a lot being called a fanboy but the dang thing just works for me. As well as my son, brother and several friends.

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so your question is if i can rephase it is: does 1ohm vs say 2 or 4ohm effect SQ potenial, or is 1ohm load and lower reserved for spl rather then a sq setup?

is that what you are asking or did i miss something.

Edited by CrazyKenKid

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so your question is if i can rephase it is: does 1ohm vs say 2 or 4ohm effect SQ potenial, or is 1ohm load and lower reserved for spl rather then a sq setup?

is that what you are asking or did i miss something.

Yes. Sorry I tend to get long winded.

Does distortion go up when wired low impedance as long as you do not clip?

To me, the underlying reasons to buy a class D low impedance amp is: efficiency, size, cost.

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its always going to have a bit higher THD running at a lower ohm load besides if these guys were crasy SQ guys they would be running class A/B or tube amps you probably wont notice the fraction of a percentage in added thd from going from say 4 ohms to 1ohm

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On a sub it would be absurd to be concerned about it.

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On a sub it would be absurd to be concerned about it.

I know.. Driving to boot.

Diyma is a great bunch of people but they tend to not live in reality, or are so fixated on "ESSQUE" that they forget what they are trying to achieve. Something that plays well to THEIR listening tastes.

What is the efficiency difference for a SAZ at 4 ohms vs 1 ohm... I suppose I should just measure mine.

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Bunch of fucking idiots appeared after Ant took over as well. That forum is damn near useless now IMO.

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Bunch of pucking idiots appeared after Ant took over as well. That forum is damn near useless now IMO.

You just have to siphon through the posts. I like EMSQ myself. Gotta be invited. Bunch of the same originals of DIYMA but a lot less "Will this sub boom?"

I think a lot of the guys are just not patient. They have the chance to really mold people. But instead, come across as elitest D-bags. If you don't use one of the 10 brands that are supposed SQ then ya got junk!

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Bunch of pucking idiots appeared after Ant took over as well. That forum is damn near useless now IMO.

You just have to siphon through the posts. I like EMSQ myself. Gotta be invited. Bunch of the same originals of DIYMA but a lot less "Will this sub boom?"

I think a lot of the guys are just not patient. They have the chance to really mold people. But instead, come across as elitest D-bags. If you don't use one of the 10 brands that are supposed SQ then ya got junk!

Which is the opposite of how it started and NP's original goal.. That shit came later :(

Hard to strike the balance. Here we try to encourage people to ask good questions, but that is hard to do when the BOOM question comes up.

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so can i gather, for a daily driver, from 1ohm or 4ohm in an SQ application ppl aren't going to notice the diffference. and even in a SQ competition the difference 1ohm or 4ohm makes isn't that huge of a difference over all? is that a good generalization?

and about that other forum site, i am on there also but i don't care for the crowed of ppl, but lets not try to bash them b/c there are SOME ppl who are nice and knowledable.

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so can i gather, for a daily driver, from 1ohm or 4ohm in an SQ application ppl aren't going to notice the diffference. and even in a SQ competition the difference 1ohm or 4ohm makes isn't that huge of a difference over all? is that a good generalization?

and about that other forum site, i am on there also but i don't care for the crowed of ppl, but lets not try to bash them b/c there are SOME ppl who are nice and knowledable.

The funny thing about SQ is there is no quantifiable way to measure it. It's like figure skating. It is totally subjective. What sounds good to you may not to me and vice versa.

I tried the switch. I run a D2 sub. The difference is I kept adjusting my sub level control up when the sub was wired at 4 ohms. Untill I didn't like the sound of it (clipping?)

I have a setting for SQ on my 701 that has lowered the output of the sub amp so that it blends way better with my midbass drivers. Is this a fun setting? Nope! Does it get used often? Nope.

Difference in sound? Its 20-80 hertz if that in a car that is noisy as hell and in a lot of cases locked in a trunk. Again, difference in sound? Not in my opinion. At least not enough to justify getting panties in a twist.

Like I said, most of the folks on DIYMA are awesome. Have shared beer with several when I meet them when I travel for my job. Great people.

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I wasn't bashing everyone, just the new influx and the reason that EMSQ exists. Obviously there are good people there, hell there are even good people on crapaudio but sorting through the nonsense is getting tougher everyday.

And yes, even in an SQ comp which way you have your sub wired will not matter. Hell hardly does the driver matter as installation and integration are the real keys and of course the hard part.

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