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It's kinda like that movie where Eddie Murphy has the same name as the retired/dead senator and so he just uses that dude's reputation to get elected...

That was pretty rough to say dude...


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Holy crap, I had no idea that it came out that way...

I'm sorry dude, I did not mean it like that at all! I kinda meant that it happened that way on accident, but now that I reread that post, I realize I sounded like a total d-bag.

Please forgive this grievous error. I'm sure that you do not use your name like that nor have any intention to.

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Thats the problem with reading what someone types. Saying the same thing in different tones can mean entirely different things, but reading what someone types leave it to their imagination sometimes.

I didn't think it was out of line, but the OP sure did.

:drink40: Cheers to you for clarifying.

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Thats the problem with reading what someone types. Saying the same thing in different tones can mean entirely different things, but reading what someone types leave it to their imagination sometimes.

I didn't think it was out of line, but the OP sure did.

:drink40: Cheers to you for clarifying.

Yeah, this get misconstrued pretty easily on the good ole internet...

Sorry again steve... :(

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