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I have a 1200d coming and I need just 1 12, which will be going under the back seat of my silverado crew cab. So depth is limited to 7" max

Thats figuring in the MDF and leaving another .5" from bottom of driver to the board.

Im hoping I can go ported but if not then itll be sealed. Do you guys recommend going with the ICON or the BL with all upgrades

The 1200d is supposed to do almost 1500w rms at 1ohm so Id like to take advantage of all that power

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If you are looking to push the amp to the limit, get the BL loaded. But if you want to set your gains to the drivers capabilities, the Icon will be fine. The Icon and BL are quite different drivers that are really designed to be in two different installs. Please take a peak at our new member topics and then come on back to give us some more info on your goals etc.

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To help get the information you desire when wondering this type of question, please include the following information.

a.Previous products that you have used (i.e. amplifiers if its an amplifier question, etc)

RF Punch HX2 and eclipse 7200 series alum

b.Budgetary constraints

under $350 total

c.Vehicle which the equipment will be used in

2007 silverado crew cab, underneath the seat

d.Other products you have heard, but have not owned that you enjoyed & their install particuars.

e.Musical preferences

modern rock, some country, and some hip hop

f.System goals

To hit hard and feel the bass when the drums hit and roll, so I like to feel that HIT and feel the rumble real good

g.List any research you have previously done

just the amp I wanted and not really sure how else to figure out what sub would work best other than to ask a forum like I am now

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