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Fi btl dead=(defeat) ?

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OK, well it was requested that the sub be sent back for several reasons... one of which is that we are good to our customers and take care of a great many things that should never fall under the category of "warranty". But we do. We also like to learn from every failure that we see. It helps us build more and more durable products. It becomes that much harder for us to work with a driver for repair when it was intentionally beat to death after a problem arose. We can no longer tell what had caused the initial problem (which could have developed over time, a setup change, due to a specific action of a volume knob or music track, or whatever. Regardless we like to get things back in the as failed condition... not after they have been beat to a point where we can not discern the initial problem.

If you would like to send it back, please do. We do take care of our customers. If not, and you feel that our products are not worth the time, then I do understand your position.

For future reference to all, please leave a failed driver in the failed state. It would help us figure the cause and be able to make any changes needed for the future lines or to better suit your specific application and needs. Not too mention it allows us to see if it is a "defect" and something that should be repaired for free. While the BTLs have not explicit warranty on them, we have taken care of way more than our fair share of non-warranty failures on them simply to keep a customer happy and to educate them on how to set things up given the specific mode of failure/circumstances.



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cant get any better then that


Offers like this say a lot about a company- and their dedication to customer service.

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